The renovation of Anang and Ashanty's house in Cinere creates a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere in every room. SEE MORE...
The moment when Ashanty was considered to have hit Kris Dayanti's head drew criticism, her actions were considered impolite.
Taught business from an early age, here are 9 moments when Anang-Ashanty's daughter Arsy became a cafe waitress
Accused of favoritism towards Krisdayanti and Ashanty at graduation, Azriel Hermansyah gave an explanation
To promote Jeju, Anang Hermansyah has been appointed as the tourism ambassador for Jeju Island, South Korea
Cheered by the GBK crowd after singing at the Indonesian National Team match, this is Anang Hermansyah's clarification
Blasphemed for ruining the celebratory moment, this is the chronology of Anang Ashanty being able to sing at GBK
Their first appearance was immediately cheered by the crowd, here are 7 performances by Anang and Friends from stage to stage
11 The moment Ashanty watched the Indonesia vs Iraq match, she was proud that Arsya was chosen to be Garuda's companion
Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah attend Ahmad Dhani's birthday, Al El Dul's manners make you focus wrong
It turns out that she once participated in an Indonesian Idol audition, here are 9 moments when Ashanty sang in front of Anang Hermansyah
Anang's question to Ghea Indrawari about marriage was criticized, Ashanty's clarification actually made netizens surprised
Having been trapped by floods in Dubai, 10 moments of Anang Hermansyah & family's journey back to Indonesia
There is a playground like at Disneyland, here are 11 portraits of Arsy's room, Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah's children
11 Moments Anang Hermansyah celebrates his 55th birthday, the presence of Maia Estianty and Mulan Jameela is highlighted
11 This portrait of Anang and Ashanty's room is equipped with advanced technology, the curtains use remote control
This portrait of the swimming pool in the villa of 11 celebrities makes you feel at home, it belongs to Randy Martin, the infinity poo model
Coming to her household member's wedding in Sragen, Ashanty's manners when she was served village food became a highlight
11 The moment Ashanty was invited to Arsy's nanny's wedding, Anang was chosen to be the witness to the manten contract
Different political choices, Aurel Hermansyah's 7 moments with his parents at the presidential candidate debate made you cool