foto: YouTube/naelyknows

By washing this method, the makeup sponge can be clean again like new without damaging its texture.

  13 Februari 2024 12:11 - Makeup sponges are a very useful tool for applying makeup to the face. This tool has quite an important use, namely leveling various makeup products, such as primer or foundation. Because it is often used to even out makeup base, you need to clean this makeup sponge regularly. Makeup sponge cleanliness is not only important for keeping skin clean and healthy, but also preventing the sponge from being easily damaged and inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

You need to know that makeup sponges that are used too often don't just absorb makeup products. But it also absorbs oil, dirt and bacteria from the skin. If this sponge is not cleaned regularly, this tool can become a nest for bacteria and germs which can cause acne , irritation and infection. Apart from that, dirty sponges also make your makeup results imperfect.

So that you avoid various skin problems and your make-up results look perfect, you need to clean the black-stained make-up sponge. As was done by a woman who owns the YouTube channel naelyknows, Tuesday (13/2), she cleaned her makeup sponge using a different trick without soaking it in water or olive oil.

How to clean black stained makeup sponges from various sources

photo: YouTube/naelyknows

The owner of this YouTube channel has another method, first he collects a number of makeup sponges that look dirty and have black stains in a bowl.

How to clean black stained makeup sponges from various sources

photo: YouTube/naelyknows

The second step, he poured soap first. Then sprinkle baking soda in the bowl. It is known that baking soda has mild abrasive properties which help remove dirt without damaging the texture of the sponge.

How to clean black stained makeup sponges from various sources

photo: YouTube/naelyknows

After sprinkling baking soda, the next step is to pour warm water into the bowl. Leave it for a few moments and rub the makeup sponge until it is clean.

How to clean black stained makeup sponges from various sources

photo: YouTube/naelyknows

If you feel it is clean, lift the makeup sponge. Place on a dry, clean paper towel. Then let it sit until the makeup sponge is completely dry. By using this method, the makeup sponge looks cleaner than before.
