foto: TikTok/@nur.indahsaleh - There are various skin problems that can disturb your comfort and appearance. Some skin problems that occur are generally caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and insects or other animals. These various factors can cause skin inflammation, which will cause soreness, pain, and even very annoying itching.
One of the skin problems experienced by many Indonesian people is tinea versicolor. This skin problem is characterized by the appearance of white patches on the surface of the skin. Usually tinea versicolor will also cause itching. Tinea versicolor usually appears due to a rapid and uncontrolled Malassezia fungal infection on the surface of the skin. Although it generally appears on the body and shoulders, you can also experience it on other parts of the body such as the face, back and stomach.
In fact, it is not yet known for certain what triggers the uncontrolled growth of fungus. However, many suspect that the growth of the Malassezia fungus is caused by several factors such as oily skin, excessive sweating, lack of maintaining body hygiene, a weakened immune system, and the effects of hot weather.
Because it is quite disturbing, it is not surprising that many people are looking for ways to remove tinea versicolor from their bodies. One way is to use a special tinea versicolor ointment that is sold on the market. Maybe for some people this method is effective, but for others, using chemical ointments can actually irritate the skin. Another solution, you can follow the method shared by a middle-aged woman via her personal TikTok account @nur.indahsaleh on August 14 2023.
In the 40 second video, the middle-aged woman shares how to treat tinea versicolor effectively using just 1 kitchen ingredient. The kitchen ingredient in question is garlic.
"The right solution to overcome tinea versicolor," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which reported from the TikTok account @nur.indahsaleh, Monday (12/2).
For your information, garlic, which usually adds flavor to dishes, is often used as a natural treatment for various skin diseases. One of them is tinea versicolor. Even the allicin content in garlic can be a biological substance that is useful as an antibacterial. According to Healthline, the allicin in garlic will help overcome inflammation in the skin and prevent fungal growth. Apart from that, the antioxidant content in garlic can also inhibit the growth of fungi that cause tinea versicolor on the skin.
photo: TikTok/@nur.indahsaleh
Only with garlic can you make a concoction to remove tinea versicolor naturally and effectively if used regularly. Here's how to make and use it.
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
photo: TikTok/@nur.indahsaleh
How to create and use:
1. Peel the garlic then wash it until clean
2. Mash the garlic until it is really smooth
3. Apply the finely ground garlic to the tinea versicolor thoroughly
4. Leave it for at least 30 minutes or overnight
5. Rinse using water until clean
6. Do this every day before bed to get optimal results. Don't forget to do a patch test first before using this concoction, to prevent skin irritation.
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