foto: TikTok/@somethincmakeup

With this trick, cleaning a dirty eyeshadow palette can be done in seconds.

  6 Februari 2024 22:10 - If you want to get perfect makeup, you need the right techniques, tools and makeup products. But unfortunately, many people ignore the cleanliness of makeup tools and products. Apart from supporting perfect makeup, makeup tools and products are also important for maintaining healthy facial skin.

If you leave your makeup tools and products dirty, several facial skin problems can arise, such as acne, acne, and even skin irritation . Just like other beauty products, makeup tools and products can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria. One of them is a makeup palette.

A makeup palette is a makeup product that usually consists of eyeshadow, blush on and highlighter. Using products too often sometimes causes the contents to fall out and dirty the inside of the pallet. Likewise, eyeshadow palettes often have quite a lot of fall-out compared to other makeup products. Not to mention if one eyeshadow color contaminates another eyeshadow color. This will mix the eyeshadow colors and ruin the original color of the product.

Women tackle TikTok's dirty eyeshadow palettes

photo: TikTok/@somethincmakeup

Therefore, it is important to keep makeup products and tools clean in order to get makeup that stands out and a face that remains healthy. No need to bother cleaning them one by one, because a woman who owns the TikTok account @somethincmakeup on May 10 2023, has a special trick for dealing with dirty eyeshadow palettes.

The account owner only needs one home tool, you know. The home tool in question is wet wipes. Not only that, the woman also uses other makeup products, namely powder.

"Come on, take your eyeshadow palette and try the hacks straight away," he said in the caption of the uploaded video, which reported from the TikTok account @somethincmakeup, Tuesday (6/2).

Women tackle TikTok's dirty eyeshadow palettes

photo: TikTok/@somethincmakeup

Wet wipes are a home tool created to clean the surface of objects or the surrounding environment. It's not surprising that you can use wet wipes to clean eyeshadow palettes. The antiseptic and antibacterial content in it is also effective in killing the growth of bacteria in eyeshadow palettes . So how do you clean it? Come on, see how to do it below.


1. Dirty eyeshadow palette
2. Wet wipes
3. Powder that has a flat surface

Women tackle TikTok's dirty eyeshadow palettes

photo: TikTok/@somethincmakeup

How to clean:

1. Wrap the surface of the powder packaging with wet tissue (make sure the surface is covered with tissue).
2. Wipe the surface of the powder that has been wrapped in a wet tissue on the eyeshadow palette (the flat surface of the tissue will prevent the eyeshadow colors from getting wet and dirty, so the only surface to be cleaned is the palette packaging).
3. Rub gently until the eyeshadow palette is clean.
4. Clean repeatedly until the eyeshadow palette is completely clean and free of fall-out. Good luck!

@somethincmakeup Come on, grab your eyeshadow palette and try the hacks straight away #somethincmakeup #somethinc #cleaningeyeshadowpallete #makeuphacks #cleaningmakeup Funny lazy donkey (hilarious song)(937200) - LEOPARD

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