
At the age of half a century, skin regeneration also slows down because collagen production continues to decline

  2 Mei 2024 15:14 - Everyone who reaches the age of 50 will usually experience various signs of aging. These signs appear usually very visible in the facial area. Starting from wrinkles, fine lines, crow's feet, to sagging facial skin. Of course this will reduce self-confidence.

Seeing this, they got treatment to make their faces look 10 years younger. There are various treatments carried out, some use treatments at beauty clinics, and use skincare products that can increase collagen and elastin levels in the body.

Collagen is a structural protein that is found in abundance in the body, usually found in skin, hair, nails, bones and joints. The main role of collagen is to keep the skin youthful, free of sagging and fine lines. In this case, collagen works by forming a connective tissue structure in the skin, so that it can provide firmness and elasticity.

Meanwhile, collagen can also prevent damage caused by free radicals. You need to know, free radicals are molecules that can damage skin cells and cause premature aging.

Well, the antioxidant properties in collagen can help fight free radicals and keep skin healthy. However, all the benefits of this collagen will slowly disappear over time. The reason is, collagen and elastin production is decreasing.

Not only that, at the age of half a century, skin regeneration also slows down because collagen production continues to decline. It is not surprising that at this age the skin will easily experience damage and find it difficult to repair itself.

To overcome this, the step you need to take is to increase collagen levels in the body. The method is to consume vegetables, fruit or other natural ingredients that are used as drinks.

This is the same as what YouTube user beautybell1288 did, she used the main ingredients in the form of sunflower seeds combined with cashew nuts and pumpkin seeds. The combination of these three ingredients provides a number of benefits and various ingredients.

These three types of food contain amino acids, such as proline, lysine and arginine, which are needed for collagen formation. This amino acid is the basic material used by the body to build collagen structures.

Meanwhile, cashew nuts and sunflower seeds also contain copper, which is necessary for the collagen formation process. Copper helps in the formation of strong cross-links in collagen molecules, which can make the skin firm.

Then, the antioxidant content can protect collagen from damage caused by free radicals and prevent premature aging. The presence of fatty acids from cashew nuts helps maintain soft and supple skin.

Likewise, rose petals are also effective for treating various signs of skin aging. This is related to the antioxidant and moisturizing substances in roses. Apart from that, the antioxidants in roses are also thought to be able to ward off free radicals and inhibit skin damage which can cause it to age more quickly.

Milk is also an additional ingredient because it is believed to help tighten and act as a natural moisturizer for the skin. Even the antioxidant content in it is also able to improve the condition of the skin, making it look youthful and firm even in old age.

All of these ingredients are made into collagen powder that you can consume at any time. For those of you who want to try it, let's look at the tutorial below.


Without turmeric, make collagen drinks 10 years younger. Various sources

photo: YouTube/beautybell1288

1. 4 tablespoons cashews nuts
2. 3 tablespoons of sunflower or sunflower seeds
3. 3 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
4. 2 tablespoons rose petals
5. 1 glass of milk.

How to make collagen powder:

Without turmeric, make collagen drinks 10 years younger. Various sources

photo: YouTube/beautybell1288

1. Put cashews nuts into a blender
2. Mix with sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
3. Add rose petals
4. Blend all ingredients until they have a smooth texture
5. That way the collagen powder is ready to use.

How to make:

1. Put about a tablespoon of collagen powder into a glass
2. Pour enough milk into a glass
3. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
4. Collagen drink is ready to consume.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.