foto: TikTok/@incesiana_kabrana

Collagen itself is a protein that makes up the human body.

  13 April 2024 20:00 - To get healthy and youthful skin , there are many things you can do. Apart from having treatment at a beauty clinic and regularly using skincare, another way you can do this is by treating your skin using collagen.

Collagen itself is a protein that makes up the human body. Collagen is the structure for building bones, teeth, joints, muscles, especially skin. Not only that, collagen is also useful for tightening the skin. In fact, collagen itself is found in the human body naturally. However, natural collagen must still be maintained so that its production is not disrupted. But unfortunately its elasticity can decrease with age.

As we age, the body's natural production of collagen decreases, so the skin will experience various signs of aging. Therefore, relying on natural sources of collagen from the human body alone is not enough. In the midst of the slowing process of collagen production, you can increase your collagen needs by using skincare made from natural collagen.

The benefits of collagen which can maintain cell regeneration also have an impact on facial skin elasticity. By maintaining the collagen needs of the skin, premature aging can be slowed down. Apart from using skincare that contains collagen, you can also make collagen that can be consumed. This is done as a collagen booster which will make the skin look youthful. So you don't need to buy expensive collagen products on the market.

One way to make collagen that can be consumed, you can see from the video shared by a girl via her personal TikTok account @incesiana_kabrana on February 1 2024, which contains how to make collagen jelly using 1 piece of kitchen waste. The kitchen waste in question is dragon fruit peel. As a thickener, the girl also added jelly powder.

"Retinol & Collagen Booster jelly," said the girl in the uploaded video, which was reported by from the TikTok account @incesiana_kabrana, Wednesday (3/4).

How to make TikTok collagen jelly

photo: TikTok/@incesiana_kabrana

The content and benefits of dragon fruit skin make skin firm and youthful.

Dragon fruit not only has a unique shape, but also has a multitude of benefits for skin health and beauty. This is because dragon fruit contains vitamin C and antioxidants which can help produce more collagen. Regularly consuming dragon fruit is claimed to be able to maintain skin elasticity and prevent premature aging, such as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

Not only the fruit, dragon fruit skin also has ingredients and benefits that are no less powerful than the fruit. Even though it is often considered rubbish, in fact you can use dragon fruit skin to make collagen jelly which is effective and pocket-friendly, you know.

After knowing the benefits of the ingredients that will be used, now is the time for you to see how to make collagen jelly which is believed to be able to stimulate collagen production in the body and make skin look youthful. Come on, see how to do it below.

How to make TikTok collagen jelly

photo: TikTok/@incesiana_kabrana


- Fresh dragon fruit skin to taste
- 500 ml of water
- 150 grams of fresh dragon fruit
- 1 tablespoon jelly powder
- Honey (optional)

How to make:

1. Wash the dragon fruit until clean
2. Peel the dragon fruit then separate the fruit and skin
3. Pour water into a pan and boil the dragon fruit skin until the water boils
4. Remove the dragon fruit skin then add the jelly powder and stir
5. Turn off the stove
5. Blend the dragon fruit without adding water
6. Add the finely ground dragon fruit to the boiled water of the dragon fruit skin
7. Stir again until completely even
8. You can add honey if you want it sweeter
9. Pour into the mold then leave until it solidifies
10. Collagen jelly is ready to be consumed.

How to make TikTok collagen jelly

photo: TikTok/@incesiana_kabrana

@incesiana_kabrana Make healthy jelly without sugar, high in antioxidants and rich in vitamins #jellycollagen #collagenbooster #collagenalami #skincaretips original voice - Princes glow up
