
Collagen drinks are needed by the body because they contain hydrolyzate or collagen peptides.

  24 April 2024 17:10 - Facial skin that is healthy, supple, glowing and evenly bright is indeed a dream. But unfortunately, getting this skin condition is not easy. The reason is, there are various factors that actually make facial skin look dull, sagging, and full of various other signs of aging .

The emergence of these two problems is greatly influenced by the intensity of pollution and large amounts of sunlight. Not only does it make your face dirty, this pollution can also damage skin cells, thereby triggering premature aging. Meanwhile, sunlight can cause similar problems because of the UVA and UVB waves in it.

UVA waves are responsible for damaging collagen and elastin production, causing the skin to lose its ability to maintain moisture and elasticity. Meanwhile, UVB triggers a burning feeling and increases melanin production in the skin, making the skin look dirty and dull.

Not only that, exposure to sunlight, pollution and dry weather can also damage collagen and slow down skin regeneration. Because of this, the skin is prone to sagging and loses its ability to repair itself from damage. If you experience this problem, no need to worry.

The reason is, there are ways that can increase collagen production in the body again. One of them is by consuming collagen drinks regularly, so that your face looks 20 years younger. Collagen drinks are needed by the body because they contain hydrolyzate or collagen peptides. This content is a small protein and active molecule found in collagen.

Apart from that, collagen drinks also contain antioxidants obtained from fruit extracts. The benefits of all these ingredients are that they can tighten, keep the skin hydrated, and increase collagen production naturally. Meanwhile, the ingredients in this drink are vitamins C, E, zinc and amino acids.

Collagen drinks also contain antioxidants obtained from fruit. There are several fruits that can be processed into collagen drinks, as shown by YouTube user diynaturalrecipes. In the video, the account owner uses four fruits, namely pineapple, apple, banana and strawberry.

Contains pineapple to treat sagging skin

These four main ingredients have their respective contents and benefits, for example pineapple contains vitamin C which helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Not only that, pineapple can also help increase healthy collagen production.

Vitamin C is an important nutrient that has antioxidant properties to prevent damage caused by sun, pollution, and smoke. Vitamin C is also claimed to increase collagen's ability to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and improve overall skin texture, while keeping skin firm and elastic.

The benefits of apples are to stimulate natural collagen production in the skin

Apples contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids and polyphenols which can fight free radicals and stimulate collagen production. The fiber contained in apples also helps in the body's detoxification process, so it can make the skin healthier.

The vitamin C content in bananas and strawberries is also effective in maintaining skin elasticity

Additional ingredients, such as bananas, are rich in iron which is important in the collagen formation process. The vitamin C and potassium content in it also contributes to maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. Then, strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and ellagic acid.

This content can increase collagen production and help fight damage caused by free radicals. So how do you make a collagen drink from the ingredients above? For those of you who want to make it, here are the steps, as reported by from YouTube/diynaturalrecipes on Wednesday (24/4).


Whiten dull skin full of 2 types of fruit from various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

- 1/2 pineapple
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- 5 to 7 strawberries
- 1 glass of boiled water

How to make:

Whiten dull skin full of 2 types of fruit from various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

1. Clean the pineapple first
2. Cut into several pieces
3. Cut the banana and apple into small pieces
4. Put it in a blender
5. Add water
6. Add strawberries and puree
7. Pour into a glass, and the collagen drink is ready to be consumed
8. Consume this drink every day to get the desired skin beauty.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.