This trick could be an alternative way to get similar benefits from instant collagen drinks.

  30 April 2024 21:10 - One of the keys if you want to have healthy, firm and bright skin is not only relying on external care, but you can also balance it with internal care. Namely consuming collagen food or drinks.

Collagen is a protein structure that already exists in the human body. The use of collagen is to maintain skin strength, elasticity and density. However, as we age, collagen production in the skin begins to decrease, making it dry, sagging and losing elasticity.

Not only that, elastin levels which maintain skin elasticity also decrease. Even skin regeneration will slow down as collagen and elastin levels decrease. Because of this, the skin will have difficulty repairing itself from damage.

To keep collagen levels in the body from decreasing, you can increase them by drinking instant packaged collagen. However, this product is priced quite expensively on the market.

As an alternative, you can make your own collagen drink from fruit. As did the owner of the YouTube channel Diy Natural Recipes. He uses bananas, avocados, and celery to make his own collagen drink.

Banana content to increase skin collagen levels.

Bananas contain various important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Vitamin C is a very important nutrient in the formation of collagen in the body. Vitamin C is also one of the main components that stimulates collagen production in the skin.

As reported on the Healthline page, bananas contain natural Botox that can be consumed to maintain skin firmness and smoothness. The antioxidant content and good fats in bananas are also able to keep the skin moist and dull-free.

It turns out that avocado can also stimulate collagen formation.

Meanwhile, avocados contain healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin E and vitamin C. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and stimulates collagen production. In addition, the healthy fats in avocados can help maintain skin moisture and make it look more supple.

Benefits of celery for tightening skin.

Additional ingredients, namely celery, contain vitamin K and antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C. Vitamin K in celery can help in the skin healing process and strengthen connective tissue. The antioxidants contained in it also help fight free radicals which can damage collagen and cause skin aging.

These are some of the benefits of the main ingredients that you can get. So, how do you make this collagen drink? Check out the steps as reported by from the YouTube channel diynaturalrecipes, Tuesday (30/4).

Collagen drink to stay young in your 60s Various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes


- 1 banana
- 1/2 avocado
- 2 stalks of celery

Collagen drink to stay young in your 60s Various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

How to make:

1. Cut the banana into small pieces.
2. Avocados are also cut into small pieces.
3. Put it in a blender glass.
4. Wash the celery leaves and cut them into small pieces.
5. Put it in a blender glass.
6. Blend all ingredients.
7. Pour into a glass.
8. Collagen drink is ready to consume.
9. Consume regularly to get maximum results.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.