foto: YouTube/@nasyarazeta2022

Use this trick regularly to get optimal results.

  11 April 2024 14:10 - Cracked heels are one of the foot skin problems that many people experience. Because this problem occurs when the heel experiences excessive dryness. The skin on the heels of the feet tends to have fewer oil glands compared to other parts of the body. As a result, they are susceptible to drying out and cracking.

The condition of cracked heels is usually caused by several factors. Such as exposure to the external environment, namely dry weather, wind and excessive heat. This condition makes the heels of the feet dry and cracked. Using inappropriate footwear can also worsen the condition.

Apart from the factors above, standing or walking for a long time, especially on hard surfaces, can cause excessive pressure on the heels of the feet. This causes the skin to become hard and crack in response to the pressure .

Even though some of the factors come from daily habits, you don't need to worry. Cracked heels can still be treated. There are several methods that you can use without going to a beauty salon. Starting from using moisturizer, soaking your feet using water mixed with natural oils, to exfoliating using natural ingredients as done by the beauty vlogger who owns the YouTube channel @nasyarazeta2022.

By uploading videos on her YouTube channel, Nasya uses pure garlic and honey. These two natural ingredients have their own benefits for maintaining healthy foot skin.

Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties which can help fight infections and inflammation of the skin. All of these ingredients can also help reduce the risk of secondary infection in skin cracks and speed up the healing process. Meanwhile, garlic has cleansing properties that can help cleanse the skin of germs, dirt and dead skin cells that hinder the healing process.

On the other hand, honey contains strong antioxidants, such as flavonoids which can help fight free radicals and speed up the skin healing process. Honey's natural hydrating properties also help maintain skin moisture and prevent dryness. Like garlic, honey also has natural cleansing properties that help keep the skin clean and prevent infections.

Those are the benefits of each ingredient that you can get. So how do you make and use the scrub? For those of you who want to try , let's look at the steps below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @nasyarazeta2022, as follows:


How to deal with cracked heels from various sources

photo: YouTube/@nasyarazeta2022

- 2 garlic
- 1 tablespoon pure honey

How to make:

How to deal with cracked heels from various sources

photo: YouTube/@nasyarazeta2022

1. Prepare a clean bowl.
2. Grate the garlic.
3. Add pure honey.
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
5. The scrub is ready for you to use.

How to use:

How to deal with cracked heels from various sources

photo: YouTube/@nasyarazeta2022

1. Clean the cracked heel first.
2. Apply the scrub evenly to the cracked heels of your feet.
3. Wait approximately 15 minutes.
4. Rub the heels of your feet slowly.
5. Rinse the heels of your feet using plain water.
6. Use this trick regularly to get the results you want.

Honey can make black heels bright.

Apart from being used to treat cracked heels, honey is also able to brighten the skin around it. Reporting from, honey contains antioxidants which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, as well as reduce inflammation. Caring for your feet regularly using honey can help keep your skin healthy, smooth and well-maintained, which in turn can make your skin look brighter and more radiant.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.