foto: TikTok/@glow.getter3

Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get evenly bright ankles.

  4 Februari 2024 22:10 - Many people only care about the beauty of their facial skin, so that other areas of their body escape care. One part of the body that is often overlooked and rarely gets treatment is the ankle.

The ankle is the protruding end of the calf bone. This bulge will make the skin in that area prone to becoming black, rough and thick because it is exposed to friction more often. This factor can cause blackened ankles.

Apart from friction, poor foot hygiene can also cause black ankles. Blackening of the skin on the ankles is also called hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is a condition that occurs when the skin has excess melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives color to the skin. This condition is quite disturbing to your appearance because it can make your skin tone uneven.

To overcome this, many people use whitening or bleaching cream to brighten the blackened ankle area. But unfortunately, long-term use of whitening cream is not good for skin health. This is because the chemicals contained in it can irritate the skin and make it thinner.

Another solution, you can use the materials you have at home. Apart from being safer, the price is also relatively affordable .

Like the upload from the TikTok account @glow.getter3 on September 2 2023, which shared tricks for dealing with black ankles using only 1 type of bath product. The bath product in question is toothpaste. He also added another ingredient, namely lime.

"With just 2 ingredients, black & dull ankles become clean again," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which reported from the TikTok account @glow.getter3, Sunday (4/2).

Treat black ankles using toothpaste from various sources


Toothpaste is one of the ingredients that is often used in everyday life. Toothpaste was created to clean teeth from dirt caused by stuck food residue. However, it turns out that toothpaste can also be used to treat several skin problems. One of them is to brighten black ankles.

The reason is, you can use toothpaste as an exfoliator which can remove dead skin cells that cause black ankles. In fact, this ingredient can also help smooth the skin with regular use. The whitening content in it is also effective in evening out skin tone and reducing hyperpigmentation.

Likewise with lime which can also be an ingredient for brightening black ankles. Quoting Healthline, lime contains vitamin C and nitric acid which are good for natural skin treatment, such as brightening and preventing aging. This natural ingredient also contains antiseptic and astringent substances which can fade black spots , treat hyperpigmentation and brighten the skin.

Treat black ankles using toothpaste from various sources

photo: TikTok/@glow.getter3

Only with these two ingredients can you make an ankle whitening scrub that is effective in brightening and evening out skin tone, if used regularly. Here's how to use it.


1. Enough toothpaste
2. 1 lime

Treat black ankles using toothpaste from various sources

photo: TikTok/@glow.getter3

How to use:

1. Clean your ankles first from dirt, you can wash them using soap until clean.
2. Dry, then apply toothpaste thoroughly.
3. Cut the lime into 2 parts.
4. Rub lime on the part of your ankle that has been smeared with toothpaste.
5. Rub gently using circular movements for 5 minutes.
6. Clean using cotton wool until clean.
7. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get evenly bright ankles.

@glow.getter3 with only 2 ingredients, black & dull ankles are clean again ' #eyes #skincare #blackeyes #whiteningeyes #skincaretips Cooking Time - Lux-Inspira

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.