
Changing eating patterns during fasting also causes the body to lack important nutritional intake.

  12 Maret 2024 19:10 - During the fasting month, maintaining healthy skin becomes a challenge for a number of people. With changes in diet and exposure to extreme weather during the day, it is not surprising that some people experience skin problems, such as wrinkles and dry hands.

The problem of wrinkles and dry hands can be caused by the body being dehydrated. Lack of fluid intake during fasting can cause the skin to lose its natural moisture . The skin becomes dry, looks dull, and wrinkles appear.

Changing eating patterns during fasting also causes the body to lack important nutritional intake. You need to know, vitamins and minerals are very important for skin beauty. Reduced intake of vitamins and minerals during fasting risks causing the skin to lose elasticity, so that wrinkles begin to appear.

In addition, exposure to intense sunlight during the day during fasting can also increase the risk of wrinkles and dry hands. The reason is, excessive sun exposure can damage the skin and speed up the aging process.

To avoid wrinkles and dry hands when fasting, as a first step you need to protect your skin using sunscreen or sunblock. Both sunscreen and sunblock are believed to be able to ward off sun exposure. The next way to prevent wrinkles and dry hand skin is to consume enough fluids when breaking the fast. This step can keep your skin moist all day, you know.

After all the methods above have been done, you can compensate with external care. You can use natural ingredients to make a scrub . This trick for making your own scrub to prevent wrinkles and dry hands has also been demonstrated by netizens as beauty vloggers, namely anamikabarai.

Through his short YouTube upload, anamikabarai uses one type of spice, namely turmeric, for a scrub. He combines turmeric with petroleum jelly and lemon juice.

Turmeric, petroleum jelly, and lemon juice have benefits for beautiful skin. Check out the following review.

Can turmeric, lemon and petroleum treat wrinkles and dry hands?

Turmeric and lemon are kitchen ingredients that are often used in the world of skin beauty. These two ingredients are claimed to be able to make skin wrinkle-free. Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The presence of curcumin can reduce and heal inflammatory damage. This content is also able to increase collagen production in the skin. In this way, turmeric is claimed to be able to tighten and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Meanwhile, lemon contains astringent properties that help refresh and tighten the skin. This astiringent can reduce wrinkles on the hands. On the other hand, lemon also contains citric acid which is claimed to reduce excess oil and clean pores.

Meanwhile, another additional ingredient, namely petroleum jelly, is a moisturizing agent. Petroleum jelly will help lock in natural moisture and then form a protective layer over the skin and prevent it from losing water. Due to its ability to deeply moisturize the skin, petroleum jelly can also help reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles.

Lemon is believed to be effective in brightening the skin.

Lemons are high in vitamin C which can help remove wrinkles and brighten the skin. Reporting from, the vitamin C content is believed to reduce the production of melanin (the skin pigment that causes darkening). The citric acid content in lemon is useful as a natural exfoliant which can remove dead skin cells and then regenerate new skin cells.

These are the benefits of a number of natural ingredients to treat wrinkles and dry hands. Interested in using a scrub made from the natural ingredients above? Come on, take a look at the steps shared by beauty vloggers, as summarized by from the YouTube channel @anamikabarai, Tuesday (12/3).


How to deal with wrinkles and dry hands from various sources

photo: YouTube/@anamikabarai

- 2 teaspoons of petroleum jelly
- 2 teaspoons turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

How to make:

How to deal with wrinkles and dry hands from various sources

photo: YouTube/@anamikabarai

1. Put petroleum jelly in a bowl
2. Sprinkle turmeric powder
3. Pour lemon juice on the ingredients
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. Scrub is ready to use.

How to use:

How to deal with wrinkles and dry hands from various sources

photo: YouTube/@anamikabarai

1. Make sure your hands are clean first
2. Spread the scrub evenly all over your hands
3. Leave it for a few minutes
4. Rub gently
5. Rinse the scrub with plain water and dry
6. Repeat the use of this scrub regularly, at least twice a week.
