foto: YouTube/@dr.valentino;

To remove acne from the surface of your face, you need to carry out intensive treatment

  12 Maret 2024 18:10 - Acne begins to appear on the surface of the face, becoming a scourge that is worrying for a number of people. The reason is that inflamed acne not only causes pain, but also disrupts your daily appearance because it appears a reddish color that is difficult to cover.

The conditions above can occur due to several reasons. The first is excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands under the skin. When these glands produce too much oil, hair follicles can become blocked and trigger acne. The second factor is the occurrence of blockage of pores.

It is common knowledge that dead skin cells can accumulate on the surface of the skin. This condition can directly clog pores and prevent oil from coming out of the skin. From here, bacteria reproduce perfectly, so they can trigger the appearance of acne.

To remove acne from the surface of your face, you need to carry out intensive treatment. One of them is applying a mask made from natural ingredients. How to get rid of acne by using natural ingredients based on Dr. Valentino's recommendations, so you don't need to worry.

how to get rid of acne on the face various sources

photo: YouTube/@dr.valentino

By uploading a video on his YouTube channel @dr.valentino, he shares tips on getting rid of acne using starfruit. Starfruit, which is usually used as a cooking ingredient, has another name, namely averrhoa bilimbi. According to Dr. Valentino, this type of fruit has benefits for body health, such as treating fever, inflammation, hypertension and diabetes, flu and many others.

Apart from having benefits for body health, behind its sour taste, starfruit can be used to get rid of acne. This is because starfruit contains the flavonoids luteolin and apigenin which function as antibacterials.

" In the ethyl extract of starfruit there are alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and tannins, which also function as antibacterials, " explained Dr. Valentino, quoted by from Dr. Valentino's YouTube channel, Tuesday (12/3).

how to get rid of acne on the face various sources


According to Dr. Valentino from a study, this type of fruit was found to have antibacterial activity which can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause acne.

"The higher the concentration of the extract, the higher the bacterial activity. This means it is proven that starfruit can get rid of acne and inhibit the growth of propionibacterium acnes bacteria," he explained.

Additional information from Dr. Valentino, that the research stated that the ingredients in starfruit gel did not show any symptoms of irritation on the skin. This makes starfruit safe to use on the skin.

how to get rid of acne on the face various sources


"By applying gel to the backs of the hands of several volunteers for three consecutive days. Disclaimer, this research was carried out in-vitro, meaning in a glass container (with a medium). Not in-vivo or on living creatures. So further research is still needed into human skin. Please respond wisely," he added.

That is brief information about the benefits of starfruit for getting rid of acne. So how do you process it? For those of you who are interested, you can follow Dr. Valentino's directions, such as the information below:


- 1 starfruit

How to process:

1. Clean the starfruit
2. Slice into several pieces
3. Dry for three days at a temperature of 40-50%
4. Puree the starfruit using a blender
5. The powder is extracted with ethyl acetate
6. On the third day, separate it from the dregs
7. Thicken (this thick extract will be used as the active ingredient for the gel)
8. To use it, simply rub it on your face with acne.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.