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Auto glowing face without just using ingredients you have at home.

  11 Maret 2024 19:20

Brilio.net - Having a bright and shining face is everyone's dream, especially women. It's not surprising that various methods are taken to brighten the skin. There are those who use whitening products and are willing to spend tens of millions for whitening injections. The goal is to get white, shining skin according to today's societal beauty standards.

Face and body whitening products have become best-selling products on the market. The reason is that many people want to have bright and glowing skin. But unfortunately, quite a few people feel that their face has not changed, some actually experience irritation which makes their skin condition worse.

Usually, skin irritation from facial whitening cream products contains chemicals that are not suitable for the skin. Therefore, don't just use whitening cream products, but you need to research the ingredients in skincare or natural ingredients used to brighten your face.

Yes indeed, dull and dark facial skin is a problem that is quite disturbing to your appearance. For this reason, for those of you who want to brighten your face, you can use these natural ingredients. Apart from having an affordable price, these natural ingredients available in the kitchen can also tighten the face so that it can maintain skin firmness and brighten the face to make it more glowing.

Not only does egg white brighten your face, it helps overcome fine lines.

Egg white is a natural ingredient that is popularly used in various facial masks because of its beneficial nutritional content. Egg whites are rich in protein, which helps repair and regenerate skin tissue, so it can have a brightening effect.

How to brighten your face using 2 natural ingredients  2024 brilio.net

photo: freepik.com

Reporting from Medicalnewstoday (11/3), the content of vitamin A and vitamin B is also useful in helping improve skin health, giving the impression of a natural glow. Not only that, the collagen content in egg whites helps increase skin elasticity and reduce signs of aging. Moreover, it is supported by a high mineral content such as selenium and iron which helps repair skin damage and provides a brightening effect.

However, the use of egg whites must also be adjusted to skin conditions. The reason is that everyone has different reactions to natural ingredients, so you need to consult a doctor to ensure there is no allergic reaction or irritation on the skin.

Benefits of lime for facial care.

Apart from eggs, the addition of lime can also help brighten the face. This is because lime contains vitamin C, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and has antibacterial properties which are good for the face.

Limes are rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps fight free radical damage and stimulates collagen production, which promotes skin elasticity and brightens skin tone. The citric acid contained in lime also helps remove dead skin cells, thereby helping improve skin texture.

How to brighten your face using 2 natural ingredients  2024 brilio.net

photo: freepik.com

Meanwhile, ascorbic acid, a form of vitamin C in limes, helps reduce the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the dark color of the skin. This can help reduce hyperpigmentation or dark spots on the face, giving the skin a more even and bright appearance.

No less important, there are also natural antibacterial ingredients that can help cleanse the skin of germs and bacteria that cause acne, thereby helping the skin stay clean.

Those are the benefits of egg whites that you need to know. So, then how do you use egg whites to brighten your face? Come on, see the complete review below, as reported by briliobeauty.net summarized from the Ricis Official YouTube channel, Monday (11/3).

Tools and materials:

How to brighten your face using 2 natural ingredients  2024 brilio.net

photo: YouTube/Ricis Official

- 1 free-range chicken egg
- 1/2 lime
- Small bowl
- Paintbrush
- Fork

How to make:

1. Take 1 egg and break it. Just take the white part.
2. Cut the lime into two parts. Take 1/2 lime then squeeze it into the container containing the egg white.
3. Stir the egg white mixture and lime juice until evenly mixed using a fork.

How to use:

How to brighten your face using 2 natural ingredients  2024 brilio.net

photo: YouTube/Ricis Official

1. Clean your face from dust and dirt. If you often use makeup, make sure there is no foundation or other makeup left on your face.
2. Dry the face that has been cleaned. Next, apply the egg mask using a brush.
3. Make sure all parts of your face are covered with the egg white mask. Starting from the cheeks, nose, forehead, forehead, to the area under the eyes. Because it can reduce fine lines in the eye area.
4. Apply the mask to your face 2-5 times thicker, the results will be better.
5. Wait until the mask is completely dry and feels stiff.
6. Once you feel dry, rinse your face using warm water. Next, dry your face using a tissue and the result will be a brighter face.
