Not only using moisturizer, you can also treat dry and chapped lips by using natural ingredients.

  12 Maret 2024 17:11 - Dry and chapped lips are a condition where the lips lose their natural moisture so they become dry, rough and often feel uncomfortable. Not infrequently, dry and chapped lips can cause pain, irritation, and can even bleed in more severe cases. This condition can be caused by various factors, for example environmental conditions, dehydration or the habit of licking your lips.

Moreover, fasting often causes dry and chapped lips . The reason is that during fasting a person may experience dehydration due to lack of fluid intake during the fasting period. Apart from that, fasting can also affect a person's drinking and eating habits which can cause lips to become increasingly dry and chapped. To prevent dry and chapped lips during fasting, it is important to ensure adequate fluid intake when breaking the fast and at dawn.

It is important to avoid consuming too much food and drinks that contain caffeine or sugar. These types of drinks can increase the risk of dehydration. Therefore, you can maintain a healthier eating and drinking pattern and use a good lip balm.

Not only using moisturizer, you can also treat dry and chapped lips by using ingredients in the kitchen, such as sugar and honey.

Sugar has good exfoliating abilities for the lips.

Sugar is one ingredient that can be used to treat dry and chapped lips. Although sugar has exfoliating properties that can help remove dead skin cells from the surface of the lips, using it directly may not be ideal for dealing with dry and chapped lips. This is because sugar has a rough texture and can cause irritation or even injury to sensitive lips.

How to treat dry and chapped lips using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024


However, you can use sugar as a gentle lip scrub to help reduce dry lips and smooth the surface of the lips. So, don't use it directly, but it can be used with other ingredients such as honey.

Not only is it beneficial for facial skin, honey can also be used for lips.

Honey is a natural ingredient that is often used in skin care, including to treat dry and chapped lips. Honey has natural moisturizing properties that can help keep lips moist and reduce dryness. Apart from that, honey also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help heal chapped or irritated lips.

How to treat dry and chapped lips using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024


Honey contains various amino acids which are important for skin regeneration and recovery, helps stimulate collagen production, and maintains supple lip skin. Vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc can help repair and rejuvenate lip skin and improve overall lip health.

So how do you deal with dry and chapped lips? Come on, take a look at the following review which was reported by from the Erreva ERV YouTube channel on Tuesday (12/3).

How to treat dry and chapped lips using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/Erreva ERV


- 1 teaspoon granulated sugar

- 1 tablespoon honey

How to treat dry and chapped lips using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/Erreva ERV

How to use:

1. Prepare a small container then add enough granulated sugar or 1 teaspoon. No need to use a lot of sugar.

2. Add a little honey to the container containing the sugar. Then stir until evenly mixed.

3. Clean your lips first from lipstick or cosmetic products that you use every day. Clean using cleanser or other lip cleanser.

4. Apply the sugar and honey scrub to your lips. The application method must be gentle so that it does not sting or irritate.

5. Rub briefly for about 1-5 minutes or you can feel the dead skin being lifted.

6. After that, clean the scrub using clean water.
