foto:; TikTok/@iamthatgirl816

Black polish at the salon is indeed an effective way to deal with the appearance of gray hair, but this method is not permanent

  21 Mei 2024 20:45 - Gray hair is one of the signs of aging that appears when a person is 30 years or older. This condition occurs because as a person ages, the production of melanin as a natural hair pigment begins to decrease. This is the reason why the strands of hair that grow do not get the perfect pigment, resulting in grayish-white gray hair .

Even though it is a sign of aging, gray hair can actually grow faster, you know. Even when someone is still young or a teenager. This condition is called premature graying.

There are several factors that cause this, including genetics, hormonal changes, styling too often using heating tools and chemical polish, certain diseases, the effects of stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

The presence of gray hair on the head is quite disturbing to the appearance, especially for someone who is still young. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to overcome or delay the growth of gray hair. There are those who do black polish using chemical dyes in salons, use various hair care products, and even use natural ingredients.

Black polish at the salon is an effective way to deal with the appearance of gray hair. However, this method is not permanent, you need to polish continuously when more gray hair appears. In fact, polishing your hair too often can damage your hair's health.

The solution, you can use natural ingredients as an effort to delay the appearance of gray hair. As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @iamthatgirl816, who actually uses 3 natural ingredients. The natural ingredients in question are egg yolk, orange or lime juice, and olive oil.

Delays the growth of gray hair without black polish. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@iamthatgirl816

Benefits of egg yolk to prevent gray hair growth.

Egg yolk contains protein and antioxidants which are considered capable of preventing the growth of gray hair. Not only that, this natural ingredient is also effective in strengthening hair follicles and making them more fertile. Egg yolk will also provide nutrition for the hair and scalp so that it is healthy and free from various hair problems.

Contains orange juice or lime to delay the appearance of gray hair.

Orange juice or lime has many benefits for hair health. The high vitamin C content in it turns out to be effective in delaying the appearance of gray hair, you know. Apart from vitamin C, the antioxidant content in it also plays an important role in maintaining pigment cells in hair follicles and preventing more gray hair from growing.

Olive oil can prevent gray hair from growing more.

Olive oil is believed to treat gray hair. This is because this oil contains antioxidants and fatty acids which can thicken and blacken hair. The antioxidant content in it also plays a role in preventing the growth of gray hair so that it doesn't grow more.

Relying on these three natural ingredients, you can make a hair mask which is claimed to be able to delay the growth of gray hair. Not only that, this natural mask is also able to nourish your hair and scalp. Come on, see how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @iamthatgirl816, Tuesday (21/5).

Delays the growth of gray hair without black polish. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@iamthatgirl816


- 1 egg yolk
- 1 squeezed orange or lime
- 2 tablespoons olive oil

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed
3. Apply to hair roots and scalp thoroughly
4. Massage gently for 5-10 minutes so that it is more absorbed

Delays the growth of gray hair without black polish. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@iamthatgirl816

5. Leave it for 1 hour then rinse with water until clean
6. Continue by rinsing with shampoo and conditioner
7. Do it regularly 2-3 times a week to get natural black hair free of gray hair.

@iamthatgirl816 Natural way to fertilize hair and remove gray hair. #how to #beauty #tips #gray hair #hair Dj Slow Bass Biwir Beurem Beureum - Asharie
