foto: TikTok/@uproot.teas

Signs of aging can be prevented by regularly applying masks.

  20 Mei 2024 18:45 - Someone who is over 40 years old will experience various signs of skin aging. These include wrinkles, wrinkles, fine lines, and skin that appears sagging. Not without reason, this condition occurs because the skin begins to lose its firmness and elasticity.

This decreased skin firmness will give rise to wrinkles in several areas of the face, where the skin will naturally form folds every time the face makes an expression. Especially when smiling, squinting and frowning.

Apart from aging factors, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin on the face is also exacerbated by various external factors. Such as excessive sun exposure, pollution, dead skin cells, weather changes, dehydrated or dry skin, the effects of stress, and unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking. This condition can also occur more quickly when someone is a teenager, or what is called premature aging.

Sagging skin and wrinkles will make your face look old and less fresh. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to delay or prevent these signs of aging from appearing. Starting from getting treatment at a beauty clinic, using skincare products, and using natural ingredients.

One skincare product that is often used by most people to delay the appearance of wrinkles and sagging face is antiaging serum. As is known, currently there are many antiaging serum products sold on the market. The price varies with the various active ingredients in it.

If you don't want to dig deep into your pockets to buy antiaging serum, you can also use natural ingredients which are no less effective if used regularly. As uploaded by a TikTok user with the account name @uproot.teas, which only uses 2 natural ingredients. The natural ingredients in question are aloe vera gel and tea dregs.

2 Natural ingredients delay wrinkles and facial sagging TikTok

photo: TikTok/@uproot.teas

Contains aloe vera gel to maintain facial skin firmness.

Aloe vera gel is a herbal plant that is known to make skin look firmer and more youthful. According to the Style Craze page, aloe vera gel contains fibroblast cells that can penetrate into the skin.

These fibroblast cells aim to tighten loose skin. This substance can improve the skin, including reducing the appearance of wrinkles and various other signs of aging. Not only that, this natural ingredient is also effective in keeping skin moist, supple and hydrated.

The benefits of tea dregs to prevent wrinkles and facial sagging.

Tea dregs contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This antioxidant is effective against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. The caffeine content in tea dregs can also help increase blood circulation to the skin, so that the skin looks fresher.

These tea dregs, which are often considered trash, also contain astringent substances that can tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles. In addition, this dregs can reduce skin inflammation and help protect the skin from sun exposure and other free radicals.

Just relying on these two natural ingredients, you can make a face mask that is believed to be effective for tightening your face and delaying the appearance of wrinkles. Here's how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @uproot.teas, Monday (20/5).

2 Natural ingredients delay wrinkles and facial sagging TikTok

photo: TikTok/@uproot.teas


- 1 stick of aloe vera
- Enough tea dregs

2 Natural ingredients delay wrinkles and facial sagging TikTok

photo: TikTok/@uproot.teas

How to create and use:

1. Soak the aloe vera and clean it of the sap
2. Split it into 2 parts then take the gel inside
3. Put it in a blender then add the tea dregs
4. Blend the two ingredients until they are really smooth and evenly mixed
5. Pour into a clean container
6. Wash your face first until it is completely clean of dirt and makeup residue
7. Dry your face then apply the mask to your face thoroughly
8. Leave it for 20 minutes then rinse with water until clean
9. Continue using moisturizer
10. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a firm and youthful face.

@uproot.teas We are a zero waste company, and when we say ZERO, we mean it! DIY green tea face masks are a great way to use your used tea leaves, both for the environment and your skin! #skincare #facemask #greentea #sencha #temask #selfcare #greentemask BABY OTAKU - Pablo Pesadilla & Polim Westcoast & Nickoog Clk & Fran C
