foto: TikTok/@agnesoryza21

The skin is automatically cool, inflammation immediately subsides.

  21 Mei 2024 05:00 - Some people may be familiar with the term inflammation or skin inflammation on the face. Usually an inflamed face is characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and sometimes pain or itching. Although inflammation is the body's defense mechanism to fight infection and repair damaged tissue, chronic or recurring inflammation can trigger a number of problems that affect the appearance of the face.

The cause of inflammation comes from various factors. Sun exposure is one of the most common causes experienced by a number of people. Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause sunburn which is characterized by redness, heat and inflammation of the facial skin.

Another factor in inflammation on the face is the environment. Air pollution can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. Likewise, extreme weather, namely cold weather, strong winds, or excessive heat can trigger inflammation. On the other hand, lifestyle habits such as smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep and stress can also trigger this condition.

Even though inflammation on the face gives an impression that disturbs your appearance, you don't need to worry. The reason is, this problem can be overcome by using a trick that will make your skin automatically cool. This trick was shared by TikToker beauty with the account @agnesoryza21.

"DIY overnight cool patch Skin is immediately cool, redness is reduced, and PORES LOOK SMALLER," said the video upload, quoted by , Monday (20/5).

How to treat inflammation on the face from various sources

photo: TikTok/@agnesoryza21

By uploading a video lasting several minutes, the woman named Agnes shows a simple way to treat inflammation on the face. At the beginning of the video, Agnes shows a trick using hydrating toner essence and cotton. The use of this toner mask trick is effective in overcoming inflammation and making your face cool.

Launching from, Monday (20/5) the toner mask is claimed to be able to balance the skin's pH and smooth the texture because it can nourish and hydrate. Apart from that, this trick is also useful for absorbing the contents of the next skincare product .

To use this trick, you can follow the steps shared by Agnes Soryza as follows:

How to use:

How to treat inflammation on the face  2024 various sources

photo: TikTok/@agnesoryza21

1. Put the cotton wool in a clean bowl.
2. Pour enough toner.
3. Close tightly and store in the refrigerator for several hours.
4. Remove the mask.
5. Place the mask on your face, especially both sides of your cheeks.
6. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes.
7. Remove and rinse face.
8. Use this mask regularly to make your skin look healthy.

@agnesoryza21 DIY overnight cool patch Skin is instantly cool, redness is reduced, and PORES LOOK SMALLER #fyp #skincarehacks Paradise - Bazzi
