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Dirt that clogs pores if left untreated will turn into blackheads, and could even become acne.

  20 Mei 2024 17:45 - The appearance of large pores on the face is quite disturbing to your appearance. In fact, pores are an important component that acts as a place where sebum or the skin's natural oils come out. This natural oil will keep the skin moist and supple.

Even though it has an important function, sometimes facial pores can also become clogged with dirt. Some of the dirt that clogs pores includes dead skin cells, dust, pollution, makeup residue, and other free radicals. This dirt will mix with sebum and clog the pores. This is what causes pores to appear larger than their proper size.

Dirt that clogs pores if left untreated will turn into blackheads. Blackheads will make the face look dull, textured, and can trigger the appearance of inflamed acne. Inflamed acne appears when dirt clogs the pores and mixes with bacteria.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out facial care in an effort to tighten large pores while preventing the appearance of blackheads and other facial skin problems. Many people use expensive face scrubs to exfoliate their face, which functions to remove dirt that clogs pores. Even though there are natural ingredients that are more economical and no less effective than expensive scrubs, you know.

As shared by one TikToker via his personal account In the video, he only uses two natural ingredients found in the kitchen, namely egg yolk and coffee grounds.

Without expensive scrubs, close large pores. Various sources

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The benefits of egg yolk for tightening the size of facial pores.

Quoting the Journal of Dermatology Practical & Conceptual, egg yolk is rich in vitamins which can make skin and hair more resistant to damage caused by free radicals. It's not surprising that egg yolk can be an ingredient for treating blackheads and tightening the size of facial pores. Well, this natural protein is believed to be able to control excess oil production in the facial area and remove dirt which causes blackheads to appear.

Contains coffee grounds to clean facial pores which cause them to enlarge.

So, while you can use coffee to treat dirty pores and their enlarged size. This is thanks to the caffeine and antioxidant content which can work to prevent a decrease in collagen levels and help tighten the skin (including pores). Not only that, the antioxidant content in coffee is also believed to be able to remove dirt that clogs pores and makes the face blackhead-free.

You can make a facial mask from these two natural ingredients which is believed to be able to clean dirt that clogs pores. Not only that, this mask is also effective in tightening pores naturally.

Come on, see how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account, Monday (20/5).

Without expensive scrubs, close large pores. Various sources

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- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tablespoon coffee powder

How to create and use:

1. Crack the egg and take only the yolk
2. Add coffee powder then stir both until evenly mixed
3. Wash your face first until it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
4. Dry your face then apply the mask to your face thoroughly
5. Leave it to dry or about 15 minutes
6. Rinse using warm water until clean
7. Continue using moisturizer
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get a smooth face and a more disguised appearance of pores.

Without expensive scrubs, close large pores. Various sources

photo: TikTok/

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