foto: TikTok/@kim_sohan10

This trick is also effective for cleaning dirt that clogs pores and makes them smaller.

  24 Maret 2024 05:00 - Not only acne, one of the facial skin problems that is quite disturbing to your appearance is blackheads. Usually blackheads will appear in areas of the face that are prone to oiliness , such as the nose, forehead and chin. The nose area is a part of the face that is prone to oiliness, making it easier for pores to become clogged.

In fact, pores are parts of the skin that have an important function as a place where sebum comes out. However, sometimes excess oil production will actually make dirt such as dead skin cells, makeup residue, pollution and dust easily stick to the surface of the skin, thus clogging pores.

Blocked pores that are not cleaned immediately will turn into blackheads. Blackheads have two types, namely whiteheads and blackheads. However, between the two, blackheads can disturb your appearance and make your skin rough and spotty.

Blackheads form when skin pores become blocked by dead skin cells, excess oil, and bacteria trapped in hair follicles. When oxidation occurs, the outer part of the blackhead will turn black. Its presence is quite disturbing to appearance, making many people look for ways to make blackheads on the face, especially the nose, disappear.

There are several ways you can do this, such as having a facial at a beauty clinic, using skincare specifically for blackheads, and using natural ingredients. Facials at beauty clinics are an effective way that many people do to remove blackheads on their nose.

However, not everyone can do facials, because the price is relatively expensive for some people. If you are one of them, there is no need to worry, because you can overcome this by using natural ingredients. As shared by TikTok user @kim_sohan10 on January 13, 2024. The video contains tricks for dealing with blackheads on the nose using toothpaste mixed with lemon.

"nose blackhead remove colgate lemon ready mix (mix colgate and lemon to remove blackheads on the nose)," wrote the account owner who quoted from the TikTok account @kim_sohan10, Saturday (23/3).

Lemon content to clean blackheads on the nose.

Lemon is a fruit with a high vitamin C content which has various benefits for skin health and beauty. Reporting from Healthline, the vitamin C in lemons can help overcome facial problems including dull skin, acne and blackheads. The citric acid in lemon also functions to shrink and clean pores clogged by blackheads. Regular use will make the face smoother, especially the nose and avoid rough skin.

Treat blackheads on your nose using lemon toothpaste TikTok

photo: TikTok/@kim_sohan10

Benefits of toothpaste for treating blackheads.

Likewise, toothpaste is not only used as a tooth cleaner, but can help clean blackheads in the nose area. According to Derm Collective, toothpaste helps remove blackheads by exfoliating. This is because toothpaste has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects which can be a mainstay for removing dirt that causes blackheads.

With just two ingredients, you can make a face mask that is believed to be able to treat blackheads in the nose area. This mask is also effective for cleaning dirt that clogs pores and makes them smaller. Come on, see how to make and use it below.

Treat blackheads on your nose using lemon toothpaste TikTok

photo: TikTok/@kim_sohan10


- Enough toothpaste
- 1/2 lemon

How to create and use:

1. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and makeup residue.
2. Dry your face using a towel.
3. Apply toothpaste all over the nose.
4. Rub the lemon on the nose area where the paste has been applied.

Treat blackheads on your nose using lemon toothpaste TikTok

photo: TikTok/@kim_sohan10

5. Do circular movements for 1-2 minutes.
6. Wipe using tissue then rinse using water until clean.
7. Continue using your favorite moisturizer.
8. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a blackhead-free face.

@kim_sohan10 nose blackhead remove colgate lemon ready mix #foryoupage #skincare #blackhead #blackheadsremoval #foryou #blackhead #facecare #2millionviews #10klikeschallenge Sabki Baaratein Aayi - Dev Negi & Seepi Jha & Jaspinder Narula

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