foto: Instagram/@mayankgandhi25

Exfoliation is one of the steps in skin care that is carried out to remove dirt such as dead skin cells

  15 Februari 2024 11:10 - Blackheads are a facial skin problem that generally begins to appear when a person reaches adolescence. In the medical realm, blackheads are a skin problem that arises due to blockage of skin pores by dirt, dead skin cells and sebum (the skin's natural oil). This blockage will cause dirt to accumulate in the pore cavity, producing small spots, known as blackheads.

Blackheads generally have 2 forms, namely whiteheads and blackheads. The whitehead variant is a lump of dirt that gets clogged under a closed layer of skin. Meanwhile, blackheads appear when the clogged dirt undergoes oxidation due to interaction with air, resulting in a black color on the surface of the blackhead.

The area of the face that is known to be most susceptible to blackheads is the nose. The reason is, the nose has many natural skin oil glands (sebaceous glands) as the organ responsible for secreting sebum.

It's just that, sometimes these oil glands can produce excessive oil, whether due to the influence of hormonal factors, hot weather conditions, and others. As a result, this then makes it easier for dirt to stick and clog pores, and ultimately results in the formation of blackheads.

So, one of the keys to achieving these criteria is diligently exfoliating. Exfoliation is one of the steps in skin care that is carried out to remove dirt such as dead skin cells, blocked pores, and so on from the skin.

This allows exfoliation to minimize the potential for blackheads to appear and make the skin clean and healthy. In fact, currently there are lots of special exfoliation products in the form of toners, cotton pads, and even serums that you can choose according to your taste.

However, you can also try using natural ingredients as an effective alternative solution to get a face free of blackheads with the help of an exfoliator made from natural ingredients. One way is to use kitchen ingredients in the form of a mixture of coffee and rice flour, as reported by on Thursday (15/2) from @mayankgandhi25 on Instagram.

Why can coffee and rice flour be good alternatives for treating blackheads?

this is from blackheads  Instagram


Adapted from the Verywell Health page, coffee powder is actually famous for many things apart from being used as a delicious drink to consume. Coffee grounds are known to be rich in caffeine, where this component can help narrow skin pores and reduce excessive sebum production.

Apart from that, coffee grounds also contain antioxidant compounds which can minimize the impact of damage caused by free radicals. Plus, the exfoliant properties of coffee grounds can also help remove dirt from the skin, thereby reducing blackheads and creating a smoother skin surface.

this is from blackheads  Instagram


On the other hand, rice flour is also another effective kitchen ingredient for overcoming the above problems. Rice flour contains nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals and amino acids which are useful for providing healthy nutrition to the skin.

When applied to the face, the gentle exfoliant and absorbent properties of rice flour work effectively to absorb excess oil and dirt from the skin, thereby cleaning pores while reducing the potential for blackhead formation on a person's face.

So, the two kitchen ingredients above can be used by following the steps below.

Tools and materials:

1. 1 teaspoon of coffee powder
2. 1 teaspoon rice flour
3. Enough clean warm water
4. Small container

Working steps:

this is from blackheads  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mayankgandhi25

1. Put 1 teaspoon of coffee powder in a small container.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of rice flour with the coffee powder.
3. Pour in a little warm water, then stir until slightly dissolved and mixed well.
4. Apply and rub this mixture as a scrub into the problem area around the nose.
5. Do this for 3-5 minutes, then leave it for a few moments before rinsing until the residue is clean.
6. Use it regularly to get maximum results in the form of a face clean from blackheads.
