foto: TikTok/@flourishxfertility

This way you don't need to bother buying porepacks anymore.

  6 Februari 2024 13:45 - Blackheads are a facial skin problem that is quite disturbing to your appearance. This condition can make the face feel textured, dull, have an uneven color, and is one of the triggers for the appearance of inflamed acne on the face. Usually blackheads will appear in the T-zone area of the face, such as the nose, chin, forehead, and sometimes on the cheeks. This is because this area produces more oil or sebum than other areas of the face.

The nose is a part of the face that is prone to oily , making it easier for pores to become blocked by dirt. The dirt in question is dead skin cells, makeup residue, and pollution which will mix with sebum and clog facial pores. Blocked pores that are not cleaned immediately will turn into blackheads.

Even though they tend to be stubborn, blackheads on the nose can be removed. The method, of course, is not to squeeze your nose so that the blackheads come out of the pores. This will actually worsen the skin condition because it can cause the skin to become inflamed and leave scars on the facial skin. Not only that, there are even some people who also rely on using nose strips to help remove blackheads on the nose.

Even though you can also make your own nose strips using cheaper home ingredients, they are no less effective for removing blackheads on the nose. Like the upload shared by the owner of the TikTok account @flourishxfertility on October 19 2023, which contains how to treat stubborn blackheads in the nose area using only 1 kitchen ingredient. The kitchen ingredient in question is gelatin powder.

" DIY PORE STRIP, " he wrote in the description of the uploaded video which reported from the TikTok account @flourishxfertility, Tuesday (6/2).

Gelatin treats nose blackheads TikTok

photo: TikTok/@flourishxfertility

Gelatin powder is a kitchen ingredient that is widely used as an additional ingredient to thicken and preserve food naturally. Even so, gelatin powder actually also has benefits for skin health and beauty, you know. One of them is treating blackheads in the nose area. Gelatin itself is a product made by cooking collagen and is made almost entirely from protein. Quoted from Healthline, collagen is a protein that is most commonly found in the skin, cartilage, tendons and ligaments of animals.

It's not surprising that gelatin powder contains amino acids, such as proline, glycine, hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine, alanine and glutamic acid. Thanks to this content, gelatin is effective in removing dirt and dead skin cells from the pores, thereby preventing the appearance of blackheads on the face. This ingredient can even absorb excess oil on the face and remove stubborn blackheads.

Gelatin treats nose blackheads TikTok

photo: TikTok/@flourishxfertility

With just gelatin powder, you can make natural nose strips that are effective for removing stubborn blackheads on your nose. Come on, see how to make and use it below.


1. 1 tablespoon gelatin powder
2. 1 tablespoon cold water

Gelatin treats nose blackheads TikTok

photo: TikTok/@flourishxfertility

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir both until evenly mixed
3. Pour it into a pan and heat over low heat until it dissolves and thickens
4. Turn off the stove and wait until it cools
5. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
6. Apply a gelatin mask or nose strip to the nose completely
7. Leave it for 15 minutes or until completely dry
8. Remove the gelatin nose strip slowly until the blackheads are removed
9. Do this regularly twice a week to get a smooth, blackhead-free face.

@flourishxfertility DIY PORE STRIP 1 TBSP beef gelatin 1 TBSP cold water Let the gelatin bloom. Add to a small pan and heat on low to let it melt with a little stirring. transfer it back to your bowl and let it cool a bit before putting it on! Wash your face before you apply! Let it dry/harden for about 15 min. When it's ready, peel it off slowly and gently!! Gentle & effective Found this recipe from noellekovary. @ #diyskincare #diyskincarehacks #porestripremoval #porestripnose original sound - flourishxglow

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