foto: Instagram/@priya.creations09

The nose is the T-zone area of the face that produces more sweat, making it easier for pores to become blocked.

  9 Februari 2024 22:22 - Not only acne, blackheads are also a facial skin problem that can disrupt your appearance. This condition is usually characterized by the appearance of black or white spots that appear on several areas of the face. Apart from making your face dull and the color uneven, blackheads can also trigger the appearance of inflamed acne, you know.

Blackheads form when skin pores become blocked by sebum (natural skin oil), dead skin cells, and dirt. There are several factors that influence the appearance of blackheads, ranging from excessive skin oil production, changes in body hormones, use of skin care products that clog pores, to nutritional imbalances in the body due to eating fatty foods too often. As a result, it is not uncommon for blackheads to accumulate around the surface of the facial skin.

In the facial area, blackheads most often appear on the nose. The reason is, the nose is the T-zone area of the face which has more sweat production, making it easier for pores to become blocked. If not cleaned immediately, clogged pores will turn into blackheads.

In order to overcome the problem of blackheads, maintaining skin cleanliness by washing your face regularly, avoiding products that can clog pores, and maintaining a balanced diet are effective steps. Apart from that, you can also use natural ingredients as an alternative, you know.

As shared by the Instagram account user @priya.creations09 as reported by on Friday (9/2). Yes, the secret natural recipe is a mixture of rice flour, baking soda, coffee grounds and rose water.

How women clean pores on the nose Various sources


Rice flour has long been used in traditional beauty treatments because of its beneficial natural ingredients. Rice flour can help remove dead skin cells, control excess oil, and brighten the skin. The nutritional content such as vitamins B and E in rice flour also helps rejuvenate the skin.

Reporting from Healthline, rice flour has a fine texture which is suitable for use as a natural scrub. Thanks to this ability, rice flour can remove dirt that clogs the pores in the nose area . That way, blackheads will no longer nest on the face.

How women clean pores on the nose Various sources


Baking soda has exfoliating properties that are effective in cleaning clogged pores and removing blackheads. Apart from that, baking soda can also help balance skin pH, reduce redness, and eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

How women clean pores on the nose Various sources


Meanwhile, coffee grounds contain antioxidants and caffeine which can increase blood circulation in the skin. This function helps reduce inflammation, increase collagen production, and improve skin elasticity. Coffee grounds also have mild exfoliating properties that help remove dead skin cells and clean pores.

How women clean pores on the nose Various sources


Although it does not have an exfoliating function, rose water has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help soothe irritated and inflamed skin. In fact, rose water is also able to control excess oil production, maintain the skin's pH balance, and provide hydration.

So, what are the tricks for using these four ingredients to remove blackheads and clean the pores on the skin? Come on, see the explanation below.

How women clean pores on the nose Various sources

photo: Instagram/@priya.creations09


1. 1 teaspoon rice flour
2. 1 teaspoon baking soda
3. 1 teaspoon of coffee powder
4. Sufficient rose water
5. 1 clean bowl


1. First, mix all the ingredients above in the bowl provided.
2. After that, stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed. So that it is not too runny, condition the required amount of rose water.

How women clean pores on the nose Various sources

photo: Instagram/@priya.creations09

3. After mixing thoroughly, apply the mixture of ingredients to your face where blackheads or pores feel dirty. Apply slowly for a few minutes. Voila, the blackhead dirt in the pores will automatically fall out.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.