In fact, not only at the age of 50, sagging facial skin can also occur more quickly, namely at the age of 25-30 years.

  19 Februari 2024 13:10 - Sagging facial skin is a common problem experienced by a number of people as they get older. These changes become more visible when a person reaches the age of 50 years. This condition is also accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging. A sagging face occurs because the elasticity of the facial skin begins to disappear. Some people feel that this condition makes their appearance no longer attractive.

Apart from aging, sagging skin can also be experienced by obese people. Often, people who follow a drastically restrictive diet will experience loose skin in a number of areas of the body, especially the neck, arms, stomach and thighs. This happens because the skin, which initially stretches to accommodate fat, cannot return to firmness after the fat is lost due to the diet.

The condition of sagging facial skin can also occur more quickly, namely at the age of 25-30 years. This condition is caused by excessive sun exposure, an unhealthy lifestyle, and a lack of facial care. So the skin will stop regenerating because collagen production in the skin is disrupted.

This condition can make the face look old, making anyone who experiences it feel less confident. So, it's natural that many people are looking for ways to tighten their skin through various methods. Well, one of the most sought after methods is to use natural ingredients.

Like the upload from the TikTok account @herbal_sehat09 on June 2 2023, which shared a video about how to tighten a sagging face using 1 type of leaf, namely Chinese betel. He also added another ingredient, namely egg white.

"It turns out this is the secret to looking youthful," he said in the video description reported from the TikTok account @herbal_sehat09, Monday (16/10).

How to tighten a sagging face from various sources

how to tighten a sagging face

Chinese betel is a herbal plant that has long been used as traditional medicine in various countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Apart from having health benefits, Chinese betel also has many beauty benefits, you know. One of them is dealing with loose skin.

This is because Chinese betel contains various active compounds such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and polyphenols which are rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants in it can help fight free radicals that can damage the skin and cause wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging. By using Chinese betel regularly, you can make your face firm and slow down the signs of aging on the skin.

Meanwhile, egg white is a natural ingredient that is often used to tighten sagging skin. Not without reason, the albumin in egg whites can work to constrict blood vessels below the surface of the skin. So the blood flow becomes smooth which makes the skin feel tight and the pores shrink. The albumin in egg whites can also help tighten loose skin.

How to tighten a sagging face from various sources

how to tighten a sagging face

By using only these two natural ingredients, you can make a face mask that is effective in tightening your skin. This mask is also effective in reducing signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Here's how to make it.


1. A handful of Chinese betel leaves
2. 1 egg white.

How to tighten a sagging face from various sources

how to tighten a sagging face

How to make:

1. Wash the Chinese betel leaves until they are really clean.
2. Mash the Chinese betel leaves until smooth, you can also use a blender to puree them.
3. Transfer to a bowl and add the egg whites.
4. Stir both until evenly mixed.
5. Apply to thoroughly clean face and neck.
6. Leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse with water until clean.
7. Dry your face then apply moisturizer.
8. Use this mask regularly 3 times a week to get a face that looks 10 years younger.

How do Chinese betel and egg whites tighten a sagging face?

Chinese betel leaves and egg white are natural ingredients that are often used to care for facial beauty. The reason is that both of them have properties that can help overcome the signs of aging on the face. Chinese betel leaf is a spice that has astringent properties which can help shrink skin pores and control excess oil production. This helps keep your skin fresh, clean, and free of blackheads.

The active substance content in Chinese betel can help brighten the skin by reducing excessive melanin production. This can reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation, so skin looks brighter and more even.

Meanwhile, egg white is able to tighten a sagging face due to the protein content in it. Not only does it tighten, but this ingredient can also remove fine lines and make your skin look younger.

Can egg whites reduce oil production?

On the other hand, egg whites are not only used to tighten, the protein and nutritional content can shrink skin pores. This helps create a smoother, more even skin appearance. The nature of natural oil absorption from the skin, slowly reduces oil production. Using egg white as a treatment helps reduce shine.

@herbal_sehat09 turns out this is the secret to looking youthful #herbal #herbalsehat #usefultips Not You - DJ DENA & Manacika Pro
