Gray hair is usually related to age and the body's ability to produce melanin.

  12 Desember 2024 09:40 - Gray hair is a natural phenomenon experienced by everyone as they age. Indonesian hair is generally black or dark because it has a high melanin content . When hair turns white and becomes gray, there is a decrease in melanin production. In gray hair, melanin is no longer produced, so new hair grows without coloring from melanin. The appearance of gray hair is usually related to age and the body's ability to produce melanin, so generally gray hair begins to appear at the age of 40 years and above.

However, gray hair can appear at a younger age due to genetic factors. In addition, excessive stress can also cause premature gray hair. Stress can affect hair pigment by weakening the pigment's ability to maintain hair strength, as well as making hair fall out more easily.

To overcome gray hair, coloring hair at a beauty salon can be an option. However, the chemicals in hair dye can damage hair. As an alternative, natural ingredients can be used to help darken gray hair. In fact, there is no need to use henna which is often used by many people. Simply by using one type of kitchen spice skin, hair can return to a darker color naturally.

Like the upload shared by the TikTok account @tambunbatam1975 on December 14, 2022. The spice skin in question is garlic skin. In addition, he also added another ingredient, namely coconut oil.

"natural way to blacken gray hair," he said in the uploaded video, which quoted from the TikTok account @tambunbatam1975, Tuesday (25/7).

Tricks to blacken gray hair to disguise white hair using 1 type of kitchen spice skin Various sources


Not only as a kitchen spice, garlic also has various benefits for hair health and beauty. Quoting from Style Craze, garlic has active compounds that can make hair pigments produce black hair again.

Not only the onion, but its skin is also no less useful than its contents. Because, its content is not much different from the content of garlic in general.

Garlic skin also contains vitamins C, B1, B6, magnesium, phosphorus, biotin and sulfur which are proven to be effective in removing gray hair. Not only the problem of gray hair, garlic skin can also overcome other hair problems, such as tangled hair and hair loss.

Meanwhile, coconut oil is a natural ingredient that you can use to make your hair look shinier. Its benefits are not only as one way to care for black hair, but also help thicken it, make it shiny, protect it from the bad effects of sunlight, and smooth the hair.

The lauric acid content in coconut oil can moisturize hair. Well, when hair becomes moisturized, it will look shinier and shinier.

Just by using these two ingredients you can blacken gray hair and disguise white hair. If used regularly, you will get hair that looks shiny black. Here's how to make it:

Tricks to blacken gray hair to disguise white hair using 1 type of kitchen spice skin Various sources

photo: TikTok/@tambunbatam1975

Material :

1. 1-2 handfuls of garlic skin

2. Coconut oil to taste

Tricks to blacken gray hair to disguise white hair using 1 type of kitchen spice skin Various sources

photo: TikTok/@tambunbatam1975

How to make:

1. Roast the garlic skin until it turns black.

2. Cool then grind using a grinder or blender until it becomes powder.

3. Strain the mashed garlic skin to get a softer texture.

4. Transfer to a storage container and add coconut oil.

5. Stir the two ingredients until they are evenly mixed and have a paste-like texture.

6. Cover and leave in a dark place without sunlight for 24 hours.

7. Apply to hair thoroughly and leave for 1 hour.

8. Rinse with water until clean then continue with shampoo and conditioner.

9. Use regularly before shampooing to get shiny black hair.
