foto: YouTube/@beautycook

Use regularly for up to one week, gray hair is completely covered.

  13 Mei 2024 09:00 - Gray hair is a condition where a person's hair loses the melanin pigment, causing the color to change from black to gray or white. Even though gray hair is synonymous with the aging process, this color change can also be experienced by those who are still young.

The condition of gray hair that grows faster before its time is also known as premature gray hair. One of the causes of premature gray growth can come from genetics or heredity. Apart from that, severe stress can also affect the appearance of gray hair. Stressful body conditions can affect the hair growth cycle and cause a decrease in melanin production.

Directly, this condition can make your hair gray. Not only that, lack of nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D and minerals on the scalp can also make gray hair appear quickly. Giving white hair an unsightly appearance, many people cover gray hair by applying polish products .

Even though it is practical and fast, using hair polish products actually triggers other hair problems, such as dryness and easy fallout. Especially if the polish product is used excessively and too often. As a solution, you can cover gray hair with natural ingredients as shown by beauty YouTuber @beautycook.

In her uploaded video, the beauty vlogger uses fenugreek seeds, flax seeds, coffee grounds and henna to treat gray hair . Fenugreek seeds contain protein, fat and vitamins which are beneficial for hair health. Apart from that, fenugreek seeds are also rich in protein and healthy fats which help strengthen hair and maintain moisture.

The protein and iron content in fenugreek seeds can help stimulate new hair growth in areas experiencing gray hair. Fenugreek seeds can also provide a slight golden yellow color to the hair and help cover gray hair naturally.

Healthy hair with flax seeds

Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants which are good for hair health. The omega-3 and antioxidant content in flax seeds helps maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Meanwhile, the omega-3 fatty acids in flax seeds can help reduce hair loss which can reduce gray hair. The gel that forms when flax seeds are soaked in water can have a coating effect on hair, help cover gray hair, and give it a natural shine.

Natural color from coffee grounds and henna

Coffee grounds contain natural dyes which can give your hair a dark color. Reporting from, this drink powder can be used as a natural dye for hair, providing a dark brown or black color which helps cover gray hair. Apart from providing color, coffee grounds can also provide a natural shine to hair, making it look healthier and shinier.

Meanwhile, henna is a natural dye that has been traditionally used to color hair. Henna gives hair a red-brown color, helping to cover gray hair with a more natural color. Henna is also known to strengthen hair and reduce hair loss, thereby helping reduce gray hair.

So how do you make a concoction to cover gray hair? For those of you who want to use it, let's look at the information below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @beautycook, Monday (13/5).


How to cover gray hair using natural ingredients. various sources

photo: YouTube/@beautycook

- 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
- 1 tablespoon flaxseeds
- 1 tablespoon coffee powder
- 1 cup clean water
- Henna powder

How to make:

How to cover gray hair using natural ingredients. various sources

photo: YouTube/@beautycook

1. Prepare a clean frying pan
2. Add fenugreek seeds, flax seeds and coffee grounds
3. Pour in water and boil until it boils
4. In a different container, add the henna powder
5. Pour the boiled water into a glass, while filtering it
7. Mix with henna powder
8. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
9. Leave it for one night
10. The potion is ready for you to apply.

How to use:

How to cover gray hair using natural ingredients. various sources

photo: YouTube/@beautycook

1. Apply the mixture evenly to gray hair
2. Wait for 1 hour
3. Rinse your hair using normal water
4. Use regularly for up to one week, gray hair is completely covered.
