foto: YouTube/@hairtransformation ;

Repeat the use of this hair treatment regularly so that hair grows thickly in 10 days.

  20 Mei 2024 12:10 - Hair loss is a common problem that can be experienced by many people, both men and women. Continuous hair loss can affect a person's appearance and self-confidence. The reason is, hair loss makes hair look thin and lacks volume. Usually hair loss can occur due to hormonal changes in certain phases, such as pregnancy , menopause, and thyroid problems which can affect hormonal balance and cause hair loss.

Apart from hormonal changes, hair loss also often occurs when a person experiences severe stress. Excessive physical or emotional stress, such as having major surgery or suffering from a serious illness, can cause hair loss. This condition is known as telogen effluvium. In this condition, the hair usually enters a resting phase and then falls out excessively.

Other factors can come from using inappropriate hair care products. Using hair care products with harsh ingredients, excessive hair styling with hot tools, coloring too often, and the habit of pulling hair (trichotillomania) can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss.

To overcome the problems above, you can start strengthening your hair roots by carrying out intensive treatment. One of them is applying hair oil made from natural ingredients. Even though it is made from natural ingredients, if used regularly it can make hair grow thick in just a few days.

You can also make this hair treatment yourself at home. As done by beauty vlogger @hairtransformation. Through uploads on his YouTube channel, he uses shallots, garlic and parsley leaves.

All of these ingredients have benefits for hair health. Parsley or parsley leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for hair health. Parsley contains flavonoids and vitamin C which are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals.

The high levels of vitamins A and C in parsley can stimulate collagen production, which is important for hair growth. Containing iron, parsley helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring hair follicles get adequate nutrition.

Meanwhile, shallots are known to have various benefits for hair health thanks to their sulfur content and other active compounds. The sulfur content in shallots is an important component in the production of keratin (the main protein that forms hair).

Onion juice can increase blood circulation to hair follicles, thereby helping to strengthen hair roots and stimulate new hair growth. Shallots also have antibacterial and antifungal properties that help maintain a healthy scalp and prevent infections that can cause hair loss.

Garlic is not only good for general health, but also has special benefits for hair thanks to its nutritional content and therapeutic properties. The allicin in garlic has antimicrobial properties that help cleanse the scalp of germs and bacteria, and keep hair follicles healthy.

Reporting from, Monday (20/5) garlic helps increase blood flow to the scalp which can stimulate hair growth. This kitchen ingredient is also rich in minerals such as calcium, zinc and sulfur which are important for hair growth and scalp health.

Another benefit of garlic.

Garlic is not only used to regrow hair loss, but also has antimicrobial and antifungal properties which can kill bacteria on the scalp. So, garlic can indirectly get rid of dandruff on the scalp.

Those are the benefits of each natural ingredient that you can use to regrow hair loss. So how do you make and use hair oil from the ingredients above? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the steps below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @hairtransformation, Monday (20/5).


loose hair grows in 10 days. various sources

photo: YouTube/@hairtransformation

- 2 Spring onions
- 4 cloves garlic
- 3 parsley leaves
- Olive oil

How to make:

loose hair grows in 10 days. various sources

photo: YouTube/@hairtransformation

1. Clean the red and white onions from the skin.
2. Chop red and white onions.
3. Wash the parsley leaves and chop them.
4. Put all the ingredients into a blender.
5. Add enough olive oil.
6. Blend all the ingredients and add to the pan.
7. Heat until boiling.
8. Pour into a container while filtering and squeezing.
9. Store in a container and close tightly.
10. Hair oil is ready for you to use.

How to use:

loose hair grows in 10 days. various sources

photo: YouTube/@hairtransformation

1. Use hair oil before shampooing.
2. Apply to hair evenly.
3. Massage for a few moments.
4. Rinse using regular shampoo and water.
5. Repeat the use of this hair oil so that hair grows thickly in 10 days.
