foto: YouTube/@pihuofficials ;

One of the causes of hair loss is prolonged stress.

  2 Mei 2024 22:10 - Have you ever found large strands of hair on the surface of the comb? This condition describes excessive hair loss . Usually, this excessive hair loss is experienced by women with long hair. However, it cannot be denied that excessive hair loss can also occur in people with short hair.

The trigger for excessive hair loss can be influenced by several factors. One thing that is often experienced is prolonged stress, whether due to work problems, personal life, or health problems, which can trigger excessive hair loss by affecting the hair growth cycle.

Another factor comes from using unsuitable hair care products. Using hair care products that contain harsh chemicals can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss.

The condition of excessive hair loss definitely makes you feel worried. If this problem is not treated immediately, it can cause baldness. So that this doesn't happen, you need to find a way to deal with excess hair loss. One way to deal with excessive hair loss is to use natural ingredients mixed with shampoo. Like what a beauty vlogger did who showed how to deal with hair loss on the YouTube channel @pihuofficials.

By uploading a short video on his YouTube channel , he uses one type of flower, namely hibiscus or hibiscus, black tea and black coffee combined with shampoo. All of these ingredients are claimed to be able to treat hair loss.

Hibiscus, or hibiscus, has long been used in traditional medicine for hair care. Hibiscus contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and amino acids that can help increase blood flow to hair follicles. So it can stimulate new hair growth. The protein content in hibiscus can help strengthen hair roots, which can prevent hair loss and stimulate healthy hair growth. Hibiscus also has natural conditioning properties that can help protect hair from damage caused by environmental factors and improper care.

Meanwhile, the presence of caffeine in black tea has been linked to increased hair growth which can stimulate follicles and prolong the hair growth phase. Additionally, the antioxidants in black tea can help protect the scalp from free radical damage and inflammation, creating an environment that is more conducive to healthy hair growth.

Likewise, the caffeine in black coffee has stimulatory properties that can stimulate hair follicles and speed up hair growth. The caffeine in coffee grounds is also believed to reduce hair loss by lengthening the growth phase and increasing hair thickness.

For how to use all the ingredients, you can follow the tricks shared by @pihuofficials, as summarized by , Thursday (2/5).


How to deal with excessive hair loss using hibiscus from various sources

photo: YouTube/@pihuofficials

- 5 pieces of hibiscus or hibiscus flowers
- 2 tablespoons black tea
- 1 sachet of black coffee powder
- Sufficient boiled water
- 1 sachet of shampoo.

How to make:

How to deal with excessive hair loss using hibiscus from various sources

photo: YouTube/@pihuofficials

1. Prepare a clean bowl
2. Put the cleaned hibiscus flowers into the bowl
3. Sprinkle coffee powder and black tea
4. Pour enough boiled water
5. Cover and leave overnight
6. Pour into a new container, while filtering
7. Mix it with the shampoo you usually use
8. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
9. You can use hair growth potions.

How to use:

How to deal with excessive hair loss using hibiscus from various sources

photo: YouTube/@pihuofficials

1. Wet your hair using plain water
2. Apply the mixture to all layers of hair
3. Massage the scalp for a few minutes
4. Rinse off the natural hair growth concoction using plain water
5. Repeat the use of this concoction regularly, at least twice a week.

Hibiscus can get rid of dandruff.

Not only does it help treat hair loss, hibiscus also has other benefits for scalp health, one of which is treating dandruff. Hibiscus has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve inflammation of the scalp. Reporting from, Thursday (2/5) the astringent properties of hibiscus help maintain the balance of oil production on the scalp. Dandruff is often related to oily or dry scalp. By maintaining a balance in oil production, it helps prevent dandruff.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.