foto: TikTok/@chiqaaalll

If the lover is caught cheating, the Rp. 50 million security deposit becomes the woman's entire property.

  16 Juni 2024 09:00 - Long distance relationships or better known as LDR often cause feelings of anxiety. This is due to uncertainty and a lack of physical interaction that can strengthen emotional bonds. Fear of infidelity is one of the main concerns, because distance can cause feelings of sadness and doubt.

That's what this woman named Selma felt. However, he found a trick so that these doubts could be resolved. The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the account @chiqaaalll.

At the age of only 21 years , she was in a romantic relationship with a 30 year old man. Unfortunately, their relationship was separated by distance. Selma is in Indonesia, while her boyfriend is an Italian who is working in Australia.

ask for 50 million as a guarantee so that you don't cheat  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@chiqaaalll

Because she was worried that her boyfriend would cheat, this woman had one trick. He asked for a deposit of IDR 50 million. The money will belong to Selma if her boyfriend is caught cheating.

"Ask for a transfer of 50 million as collateral if he cheats, he won't ask for the money back!" he wrote in the caption, reported by on Saturday (15/6).

It turns out, these concerns were true. Selma, became the victim of her boyfriend's infidelity. He admitted that he was shocked, especially since this was his first experience in dating.

"I don't want to be harmed, especially since this is my first experience of dating," he said.

ask for 50 million as a guarantee so that you don't cheat  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@chiqaaalll

Selma said that she and her boyfriend had an intense communication habit. Every day before Selma left for campus, they would take the time to chat for a while on the phone. This is an effort to keep the relationship lasting in the midst of the LDR storm.

Selma also said that they often had long conversations at night. Because each of them is busy during the day. They talked about many topics, including how their day had been.

However, two days before he was found out, his girlfriend Selma's attitude changed. He never called Selma again. The man reasoned that he had a lot of work at the moment so he didn't have time to carry out habits like before.

Selma was certainly not worried at first. Because what he knows is that his girlfriend is busy working. Until finally he came to the confession that the man had cheated on him. His girlfriend said that he accidentally met a woman at a bar. They ended up dating until morning.

"He was honest with me, he was actually cheating on me. He met a girl at a bar and they got drunk together. Finally he took her to his house and they were like that," he said.

ask for 50 million as a guarantee so that you don't cheat  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@chiqaaalll

After hearing the truth , Selma was of course very, very shocked. His girlfriend had asked him to come back. But Selma doesn't want to anymore, what's more, for her the affair has reached an intolerable stage.

"Is it a loss for me if I want to get back with him," said the woman.

Therefore, as they initially promised, the Rp. 50 million became Selma's entire property. This also attracted the attention of netizens. Many of course want to imitate what Selma did.

" It's okay, man, the important thing is to get 50 million, " said the account @cidakyut.

" I want to do this too but I don't have the money, " wrote the account @izzam.

" Do you regret asking for cm 50 million? Should it be a GASI house certificate? " commented the account @v444lkyrie.

" Heyyy 21 years old got 50 million from Manee, I'm the one who worked hard for 10 million and it's hard to get together, " wrote @gintul.

From the time the video was posted until this article was written, the @chiqaaalll account has gathered 1.6 million views. Apart from that, there were also 253,300 accounts that gave likes and 3,310 comments.
