
These signs of aging can be avoided by taking care of them early.

  20 Februari 2024 06:28 - Wrinkles on the face are one of the main signs of the skin aging process that occurs in the body as time goes by and we get older. These wrinkles themselves appear in the form of wrinkles and fine lines, and are usually clearly visible in adults who have passed the age of 40 years. Not only that, aging also affects skin color which becomes dull in the process.

Why does aging trigger skin to wrinkle? In fact, the strength of the skin structure is greatly influenced by two types of important proteins that maintain its elasticity and firmness, namely collagen and elastin. As we age, the production of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, causing the skin to lose its natural firmness and moisture . As a result, the facial skin structure will gradually weaken, so that it no longer looks elastic and becomes full of wrinkles and fine lines.

However, these signs of aging can be avoided by carrying out treatment early. One of the basic things you can do so that you don't experience premature aging is to protect your skin from sun exposure, eat healthy food, stop smoking, avoid stress, keep your skin moist, exercise and get enough sleep. Not only that, you can also prevent signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles, by using facial treatments.

Apart from carrying out various treatments, another way you can do this is by using natural ingredients. One way is to use one type of fruit, namely pineapple.

The content and benefits of pineapple in treating signs of aging.

Deal with premature effects  YouTube


Pineapple is a fruit that is rich in nutrients such as enzymes and antioxidants which can prevent damage to skin cells due to free radicals. Reporting from the Healthshots page, pineapple also contains the enzyme bromelain which is effective in helping reduce skin inflammation and speed up the process of skin cell regeneration. In the process, this will help smooth skin that has become rough due to wrinkles that appear with aging.

Meanwhile, the high vitamin C content in pineapple acts as a natural antioxidant to fight free radicals and maintain skin moisture. Pineapples are also known to contain a number of alpha-hydroxy acid compounds which can improve skin texture by stimulating collagen production, so that signs of aging on the face are reduced.

So, how to use pineapple to prevent premature aging is quite easy for you to do at home. You can follow the method shared by YouTube user Sahabat Kece, as reported by on Monday (19/2).

Deal with premature effects  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Kece Friends


1. 1/2 pineapple

Deal with premature effects  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Kece Friends

How to use it:

1. The first step is to first clean the pineapple from the skin and wash it until clean.
2. Then, cut the pineapple into several pieces.
3. Next, clean your face first using facial wash.
4. If so, spread the pineapple evenly on the face, especially on the wrinkled parts of the skin.
5. After that, let it sit for approximately 20 minutes until it dries.
6. The final step is to rinse twice. First, use warm water. After that, then wash with cold water.

Well, you can prevent premature aging and wrinkles on your face by using this method once a week. Apart from that, the upload regarding this information also received various comments and was watched by almost 5000 YouTube users.

" Wow, these are very useful tips, thank you sir, " wrote the account @Siti Aminah.

" Not only is pineapple delicious for making salad, it turns out to be very beneficial for facial skin, " commented the account @dapur bogor.

" Waalaikum greetings wr wb, cool tips, thank you Mother, stay healthy & successful, Aamiin ," wrote the account @Rins Channel.

" The tips are very useful, sis. It turns out pineapple can make your face. You can try this, " added the @GingSul vlog account.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.