foto: TikTok/@kainatvibes

For those of you who experience various signs of skin aging, you can use this mask regularly to make your face supple again.

  4 Februari 2024 20:00 - As a person gets older, various signs of aging will also begin to appear. Apart from the growth of gray hair, another sign of aging that is quite noticeable is skin changes. The skin will start to sag, lose its elasticity, wrinkles, fine lines, creases, dullness and black spots will appear in several areas of the body. The face is one part of the body that is most susceptible to aging. The reason is, the face has thin skin and is susceptible to exposure to free radicals.

Please note, the signs of aging that appear are not caused by age alone, but by various other factors. Such as excessive exposure to sunlight, pollution, weather changes, the effects of stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle. These various factors will damage the collagen and elastin tissue in the skin, so that the skin will lose its ability to maintain its firmness and suppleness.

So, to overcome this condition, many people use natural ingredients in an effort to tighten and make their skin glow. One of them is using honey. This natural ingredient which has a sweet taste is known to help moisturize and maintain skin elasticity. But unfortunately, getting pure honey is not easy. Not to mention that the price is relatively expensive for some people.

Another solution, you can make your face supple and glowing like a baby's skin with just 1 food ingredient. As shared by the owner of the TikTok account @kainatvibes on December 24 2023. The food ingredient in question is rice flour. He also added other ingredients, namely yoghurt and aloe vera gel.

"plump and glowing facepack (supple and radiant face package)," he wrote in the uploaded video, which quoted from the TikTok account @kainatvibes, Sunday (4/2).

Makes your face supple and glowing like a baby's skin. Various sources


Rice flour is a food ingredient that is usually used as the main ingredient for making cakes or snacks. Apart from that, this ingredient derived from rice can also help overcome skin aging. Quoted from, rice flour contains good nutrients from vitamin B, which will help improve the face. Thanks to this content, rice flour can stimulate collagen production which plays a role in tightening the skin.

Rice flour can also act as a natural exfoliator which can brighten the face and make it glow naturally. This is thanks to the vitamin and antioxidant content in it.

Meanwhile, yogurt is rich in vitamins, zinc, lactic acid and minerals which are good for maintaining healthy skin. The lactic acid in it is believed to be effective in maintaining skin elasticity and hydration. Even the various vitamins contained in it can also help overcome a dull face and make it glow naturally.

This is no exception with aloe vera gel which is not only able to maintain skin moisture, but is also effective in treating various signs of aging. Because the ingredients from aloe vera contain vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene which can tighten the skin and keep the skin hydrated. Apart from that, aloe vera gel can also help increase collagen production in the skin.

Makes your face supple and glowing like a baby's skin. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@kainatvibes

You can use these three natural ingredients as an effective mask to make your face supple and glowing like a baby's skin. So, for those of you who experience various signs of skin aging, you can use this mask regularly. Come on, see how to make and use it.


1. 1 tablespoon yoghurt
2. 1 tablespoon rice flour
3. 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

Makes your face supple and glowing like a baby's skin. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@kainatvibes

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the prepared container.
2. Stir the three until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste.
3. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt such as sebum and makeup residue.
4. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly.
5. Rub gently for 2-3 minutes then leave for 20 minutes.
6. Rinse using water until clean.
7. Continue using your mainstay moisturizer.
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get a naturally supple and glowing face.

@kainatvibes wait 15 mins after each application ...and must try to achieve glowing and Glas skin result . . . #glassskin #koreanskinremedy #skinremedy #facepackremedy #homemaderemedies #skinacretips #recommended #mustry #glowingskincare #brightskincare 1hymn for the weekend -

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.