
Not everyone has or has stock of black tea.

  12 Februari 2024 19:41 - Gray hair growth that occurs so quickly is often considered a sign of premature aging that some people don't want. Even though the appearance of gray hair is normal, it still disturbs your appearance and must be prevented.

The process of graying itself begins with changes in melanocytes (cells that produce melanin pigment in hair). As a person gets older, these melanocytes begin to slowly decrease and cause gray hair. Apart from being influenced by aging, there are other factors such as genetics, stress, and hair that lacks nutrition.

Usually quite a few people prevent the appearance of gray hair with black tea. For example, used as a mask or hair spray.

But not everyone has or has stock of black tea. Well, you can use one type of fruit, you know. These other ingredients are no less effective than using black tea.

Yup, you can prevent the appearance of white hair by carrying out regular care, using hair oil using amla fruit.

Reporting from, this fruit, which has another name, Indian Gooseberry, contains strong antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which helps fight damage caused by free radicals. It helps in maintaining healthy hair follicles and prevents premature aging. The vitamin C, minerals and phytochemicals in amla help strengthen hair roots. Apart from that, amla fruit is also known to increase melanin production, so that gray hair growth can be maintained.

Apart from amla fruit, you can add coconut oil. This coconut oil contains fatty acids, such as lauric acid, which helps maintain healthy scalp and hair. Apart from that, this content is also able to maintain moisture and overcome dry hair.

If applied by massaging amla fruit and coconut oil, it can help improve blood circulation. That way, healthy hair growth will increase and gray hair will no longer appear too quickly.

After knowing the benefits of the ingredients above, are you interested in using hair oil from this type of fruit to prevent gray hair?

For those of you who want to try it, let's look at the information below as summarized by from the YouTube channel athusorganicdiy4235, Monday (12/2).


Prevents the appearance of gray hair from various sources

photo: YouTube/athusorganicdiy4235

- 5 to 10 amla fruits
- 1 glass of coconut oil.

How to make:

Prevents the appearance of gray hair from various sources

photo: YouTube/athusorganicdiy4235

1. Wash the amla fruit thoroughly
2. Prepare a pan filled with coconut oil
3. Heat coconut oil and add amla fruit
4. Boil for approximately five minutes
5. Stir the stew
6. Remove and cool for a while
7. Pour into a clean bowl or bottle
8. Hair oil is ready for you to use.

How to use:

Prevents the appearance of gray hair from various sources

photo: YouTube/athusorganicdiy4235

1. Part your hair into several sections
2. Apply the hair oil to all layers of hair
3. Massage for several minutes
4. Let stand for approximately 20 minutes
5. Rinse your hair using regular shampoo and water
6. Use this hair oil regularly to get the desired results.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.