foto: TikTok/ - There are various signs of aging that can reduce self-confidence. One of them is gray hair. Gray hair is white hair that grows when a person enters old age. When a person starts to age, hair follicles no longer produce melanin, resulting in grayish white hair. This is what is called gray hair.
Not only aging, there are several other factors that can also trigger the appearance of gray hair. Such as genetic factors and lack of intake of vitamins and nutrients such as B-6, B-12 and E. A person can also turn gray due to the effects of using inappropriate hair care products, autoimmune diseases, thyroid gland disorders, excessive stress, dyeing their hair too often. using chemical dyes, and smoking habits.
Because of these factors, quite a few people start to turn gray when they are still young. This condition is usually called premature graying. For this reason, quite a few people feel less confident because of the appearance of gray hair, so they look for various ways to blacken their gray hair.
Starting from dyeing her hair black, dyeing her hair in various favorite colors, to using natural ingredients. Usually most people will dye their hair at the salon to cover the appearance of gray hair. It is indeed effective, but if it is done too often it will damage the health of your hair . Not only that, polishing at the salon also requires digging deep into your pockets.
Well, another solution you can use is natural ingredients. As shared by the owner of the TikTok account on July 20 2021, which contains how to deal with gray hair so it turns dark again using a hair mask made from 1 type of kitchen dregs. The kitchen waste in question is stale tea.
"Blacken gray hair with stale tea," wrote the owner of the TikTok account in the description of the uploaded video, which reported from the TikTok account, Tuesday (19/3).
photo: TikTok/
Ingredients and benefits of stale tea for darkening gray hair.It should be noted that ancient people often used stale tea to maintain healthy hair, especially to treat gray hair. This is thanks to the high antioxidant content in stale tea which is useful for nourishing hair from the roots, thus making hair shinier and less prone to breakage.
Stale tea also contains compounds that have the property of controlling oil production and balancing the pH level on the scalp. Balanced oil levels and pH can reduce the possibility of gray hair. Not only that, other important ingredients in stale tea are vitamins C, E and polyphenols which can help make hair healthier, as well as reduce excess gray growth.
With just stale tea, you can make a hair mask which is believed to be able to darken gray hair and prevent the growth of more gray hair. Apart from that, stale tea can also moisturize hair and make it shiny black. Here's how to make and use it.
photo: TikTok/
- Black tea to taste
- Warm water
How to create and use:
1. Brew black tea using warm water
2. Stir then leave in an open room overnight
3. In the morning, strain the tea and just take the water
4. Apply the stale tea to the hair roots thoroughly
5. Massage gently to make it more absorbed
6. Do it 2-3 times a day without rinsing with water
7. Leave it overnight then rinse it off in the morning
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.
photo: TikTok/
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