
This kitchen spice can also relieve toothache and is used as a treatment for periodontitis

  4 Juni 2024 10:10 - Tartar is a mouth problem that makes teeth look unsightly. This is because the surface of the teeth looks yellow and leaves a brownish crust. Not only is it related to appearance, tartar also invites a number of oral diseases such as bad breath and toothache.

Well, the causes of tartar come from various sources, one of which is the accumulation of food waste. Food residue that accumulates and is rarely cleaned is what then turns into tartar. Not only that, consuming food or drinks that contain high sugar levels can also trigger tartar, you know.

The reason is, foods and drinks high in sugar contain sucrose which is a food source for bacteria in the mouth. Well, if these bacteria are not cleaned, they multiply and over time accumulate in the mouth. The next factor that causes tartar is saliva production.

Saliva is a fluid in the oral cavity that contains enzymes that are useful for digesting food. Apart from that, saliva also functions to clean food and drink remains stuck to the teeth. Even though saliva has many benefits, a decrease in saliva production can cause food residue to stick to the teeth, which can trigger the formation of tartar.

Because it gives an uncomfortable feeling, this tartar must be removed to maintain oral health. Apart from regular treatment at the dentist, yellow tartar can be removed with natural treatments. As was done by a beauty vlogger with the YouTube account Kochenrezepte who shared how to remove tartar by using green tea, garlic, turmeric powder and lemon, without a mixture of baking soda.

Green tea, which is usually used as drinking water, can actually be used to remove tartar. According to, green tea contains antioxidants to improve oral health. Green tea also contains catechins which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Drinking unsweetened green tea or using it as a mouthwash can help eliminate plaque-causing bacteria. Meanwhile, garlic apparently contains allicin. In this content, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties are found which are claimed to be able to kill tartar-causing bacteria.

Not many people know that turmeric has the ability to whiten teeth like baking soda. Reporting from healthline, turmeric contains curcumin which can remove plaque, bacteria and inflammation. Based on a study in 2013, turmeric has benefits for cleaning the mouth.

The results of this research show that turmeric can relieve toothache and is used as a treatment for periodontitis. So how do you make a concoction from the ingredients above? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @Kochenrezepte, Tuesday (4/6).


remove tartar using natural ingredients. various sources

photo: YouTube/Kochenrezepte

- 2 tablespoons of green tea
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1/2 lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of toothpaste.

How to make:

remove tartar using natural ingredients. various sources

photo: YouTube/Kochenrezepte

1. Puree green tea
2. Add crushed garlic
3. Sprinkle turmeric powder
4. Add lemon juice
5. Add toothpaste
6. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
7. The toothpaste concoction is ready for you to use.

How to use:

remove tartar using natural ingredients. various sources

photo: YouTube/Kochenrezepte

1. Take the brush that you usually use
2. Take enough toothpaste ingredients
3. Use it to brush your teeth for a few minutes
4. Gargle with plain water
5. Use this toothpaste regularly to remove tartar.

Simple habits that can prevent tartar

Oral health is something you need to take care of at all times. This is done to avoid mouth problems, such as tartar, bad breath and yellow teeth. So, there are several habits that you can apply to prevent tartar from appearing, as follows:

1. Brush your teeth regularly
2. Use toothpaste containing fluoride
3. Use mouthwash.
