foto: YouTube/@Dr.Emasuperr

This natural ingredient can help kill bacteria in the mouth, including those that play a role in the formation of dental plaque.

  7 Mei 2024 11:10 - Yellow plaque on teeth is a common problem that many people experience. Yellow plaque is a thin layer that forms on the surface of the teeth and is usually yellow-brown in color. Even though it seems trivial, yellow plaque can become a nest of problems for dental and oral health.

The causes of plaque formation come from various sources, one of which is bacteria. The human mouth is home to various types of bacteria. When food and drink remains are left on the teeth and are not cleaned properly, bacteria will multiply and form a sticky layer called dental plaque.

Please note, foods and drinks that contain high levels of sugar are the main source of nutrition for bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria will convert sugar into acid, which then damages tooth enamel and causes plaque to form. Apart from being caused by food and drink, dental plaque can also form due to bad habits such as smoking.

One cigarette contains various chemicals and tobacco that can damage tooth structure, accelerate plaque formation, and cause yellow discoloration. To make your smile no longer beautiful, dental plaque must be removed immediately. To get rid of yellow dental plaque, you can follow the tricks shared by a doctor named Ema.

Through uploads on his YouTube channel @dr.emasuperr, this doctor shows how to remove dental plaque using natural ingredients , namely coconut oil. Coconut oil has long been used in traditional medicine to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. One popular practice is oil pulling, which involves gargling with coconut oil for a few minutes every day.

Reporting from, several studies have shown that oil pulling with coconut oil can provide several benefits for dental and oral health. Coconut oil is believed to contain lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antibacterial properties.

Gargling with coconut oil can help kill bacteria in the mouth, including those that play a role in the formation of dental plaque.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the gums and surrounding tissue. Gum inflammation is one of the main risk factors for gum disease and plaque formation.

"It can eliminate bacteria in your teeth, and can remove plaque on your teeth," said Doctor Ema.

Meanwhile, the natural fluoride content in coconut oil can help protect teeth from damage and plaque formation. Fluoride is known to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

"Coconut oil helps to clean plaque on teeth," he added.

That is the benefit of coconut oil for removing yellow plaque on teeth. For how to use it, let's look at the tutorial shared by Doctor Ema, as reported by from the YouTube channel @Dr.Emasuperr, Tuesday (7/5).


Remove dental plaque using coconut oil from various sources

photo: YouTube/@Dr.Emasuperr

- Coconut oil

How to use:

Remove dental plaque using coconut oil from various sources

photo: YouTube/@Dr.Emasuperr

1. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil
2. Use it to gargle for a few minutes
3. Vomit and continue brushing with toothpaste
4. Do this before bed
5. Use it regularly, just three times a week.

Bad breath disappears with coconut oil

Coconut oil can help reduce bad breath because it has antibacterial properties which can help reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth, one of the main causes of bad breath. Bad breath is usually caused by bacterial activity in the mouth that produces sulfur compounds, which have an unpleasant aroma. Coconut oil can help reduce this bacteria, thereby preventing bad breath.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.