- Caring for facial skin is an important step to prevent premature aging. If ignored, the skin can experience fine lines and wrinkles more quickly. Therefore, early treatment is highly recommended, either with antiaging skincare or natural ingredients.
Products containing antioxidants, peptides, and retinol can help maintain skin elasticity. However, in addition to using skincare, natural treatments can also be an option. Like what TikTok user @beautyhacks7777 did, who mixed an anti-aging mask from just two kitchen ingredients.
As reported by from the account, Saturday (22/4), the ingredients needed are rice and banana peel.
how to make an anti-aging mask
The antioxidant content in banana peels can protect the skin from sun exposure and free radicals. So banana peels can treat and prevent skin aging by disguising fine lines on the face. Having anti-inflammatory properties, banana peels can also soothe irritated skin.
Meanwhile, vitamins A, B6, and potassium in bananas can maintain skin moisture, increase elasticity, and stimulate dead skin cells. The water content in bananas can prevent skin from becoming dry.
how to make an anti-aging mask
While rice is very effective in rejuvenating the skin and preventing the appearance of aging on the skin such as wrinkles or fine lines. Rice can also cleanse the skin maximally so that the skin looks cleaner and brighter. The reason is, rice has a content of phytic acid and ferulic acid which are useful as natural exfoliants. The use of rice on the face can make the texture of the face softer and more supple. Rice can also protect the skin barrier and control pores so that the appearance is smaller and smoother.
The vitamin E content in this rice can fight damage caused by free radicals, reduce signs of aging, and improve skin elasticity and texture.