foto: Instagram/@organic_beauty0037

Apart from environmental factors, an unhealthy lifestyle can also affect the condition of facial skin

  15 Februari 2024 14:13 - The term dull skin basically refers to the condition of skin that has lost its natural shine, so it looks dark and not bright. Dull skin conditions usually occur as a result of a combination of the buildup of dirt that sticks to the outside of the skin and the process of excess melanin (color pigment) production that occurs within the layers of the skin.

One common factor that can cause the above problems is constant exposure to pollution and the sun's UV rays. This is because ultraviolet (UV) light has a wave of light called UVB which can cause increased melanin production and a burning sensation on the skin.

Apart from that, the accumulation of pollution and dust after daily activities can also damage skin cells, triggering increased melanin production, making the skin look dull and dark in the process.

Apart from environmental factors, an unhealthy lifestyle can also affect the condition of facial skin. Lack of sleep, rarely drinking water, smoking, and consuming more or less irregular food can disrupt blood circulation in the skin and trigger a buildup of toxins in the body. As a result, the lack of proper nutritional intake for the skin will slowly damage the skin's health so that over time it becomes dull.

So, to get a dull-free glowing face, it turns out you can use lots of natural ingredients that are easy to get. One of them is using a mixture of honey as a sweetener as well as rice flour and rose water, as shared by @organic_beauty0037 on Instagram as reported by on Thursday (15/2).

What are the benefits of honey in dealing with dull skin?

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Summarized from the Liberate page, honey is a liquid extracted from bees which is rich in many useful components. The enzyme and amino acid content in it is known to be effective in hydrating and helping the regeneration and healing process of the skin.

Honey also has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that help fight free radicals and keep the skin clean. Apart from that, the vitamin compounds and AHA enzymes in honey can also reduce the formation of hyperpigmentation and make the skin look brighter and radiant.

How about rice flour and rose water?

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Rice flour has long been used traditionally as a natural skin care ingredient. This is because rice flour contains B complex vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids which play an important role as natural skin whitening components and improve skin health.

In addition, rice flour has natural exfoliating properties that can help remove dead skin cells and remove dirt on the skin. So in the process it can make the skin look smoother and cleaner.

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The water extracted from roses contains many vitamin components and essential fatty acids. Vitamin E, for example, has antioxidant properties that are effective in fighting free radicals and preventing premature aging. On the other hand, the vitamin A compound in it can help stimulate skin cell regeneration.

Not only that, the vitamin C in roses can also help brighten the skin by reducing melanin production in the skin. This means that roses can brighten dull skin well.

To use the ingredients above to get a dull, glowing face, all you have to do is follow the simple steps below.

Tools and materials:

1. 2 tablespoons rice flour
2. 1 tablespoon honey
3. Sufficient rose water
4. Small container

Working steps:

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photo: Instagram/@organic_beauty0037

1. First, mix two tablespoons of rice flour with one tablespoon of honey in a small clean container.
2. Pour a little rose water into the container, then stir all the ingredients well until the mixture becomes thick.
3. Apply this mixture as a mask evenly all over the previously cleansed face.
4. Let the mask dry on the skin for about 15-20 minutes.
5. After that, wash your face with warm water and continue with the rest of your skincare series.
6. Use regularly at least 2 times a week to get maximum results.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.