foto: TikToknya @daisyycbj

Initially the acne on this woman's face was quite severe, but in a short time the changes were drastic. The face becomes cleaner.

  14 Juni 2024 10:10 - Acne is a common problem experienced by a number of people. There are those who only experience one or two pimples appearing on their face, but quite a few experience acne all over their face. This condition is of course worrying and makes the sufferer uncomfortable or feel inferior.

This is what happened to a girl named Daisy. Through uploads on her TikTok account @daisyycbj, she discovered a number of quite serious pimples on both cheeks. Daisy started experiencing this severe acne in 2022.

At first only a few pimples appeared on his face and then dried up. This problem occurred again over the next few months. Until finally he underwent treatment and on April 10 the pimples that had been clustered on his cheeks were less prominent and the redness began to decrease.

Moving on to May, the acne on Daisy's face began to slowly disappear. Meanwhile, in the following month the transformation on his face began to appear. Black spots and red spots on the face begin to fade.

Girls struggle to recover from acne from various sources

A girl's struggle to recover from acne
Her TikTok is @daisyycbj

There were visible changes very quickly during the 5 months after treatment. It turned out that Daisy was doing the treatment from the inside. He is known to use Accutane or medication to treat severe acne.

Additional information regarding Accutane, this drug is another form of vitamin A which plays a role in reducing the amount of oil on the skin. Therefore, it can suppress oil production and is able to treat severe nodular acne that does not respond to other treatment methods. Apart from that, Accutane is a drug category that includes retinoids, so it can treat severe cystic acne.

"I am very happy to announce that today, September 4, is my last day using Accutane," said Daisy, quoted by from TikTok @daisyycbj, Thursday (13/6).

Girls struggle to recover from acne from various sources

A girl's struggle to recover from acne
Her TikTok is @daisyycbj

Meanwhile, after she felt that her face was starting to become smooth and the red spots were starting to fade, Daisy started not using Accutane anymore. He began to focus on maintenance using a series of skincare products.

It is known that the skincare series that Daisy uses is a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. Reporting from Healthline, Thursday (13/6) this salicylic acid content can get rid of acne. The way it works is by exfoliating the skin and keeping the pores clean. Not only that, salicylic acid is also claimed to be able to prevent acne from appearing.

Girls struggle to recover from acne from various sources

A girl's struggle to recover from acne
Her TikTok is @daisyycbj

"This has been a beautiful journey and I am very grateful for all the support I have received over these five months. I love you all," he said.

Apart from cleaning her face with special products, Daisy also applies a serum that contains vitamin C. According to Daisy, the vitamin C in this serum helps keep her face free from acne and brightens it. The hyaluronic acid content in the serum used is also able to hydrate the skin.

Girls struggle to recover from acne from various sources

A girl's struggle to recover from acne
TikTok is @daisyycbj

Not only that, Daisy also uses moisturizer every time she carries out daily activities. Of course, don't forget sunscreen to protect your face from free radicals and sun exposure. Routinely using the skincare mentioned from the middle of fighting acne until now, Daisy's face now looks brighter and pockmarked.

@daisyycbj @tiktok Renegade - Aaryan Shah
