
The myth circulating prohibits washing your hair during menstruation.

  13 Juni 2024 06:25 - When you are menstruating or menstruating, has anyone ever forbidden you to wash your hair? There are indeed several myths related to menstruation, including washing your hair which can be harmful to your health. Some people even believe this myth . Usually they think that washing your hair when you come home can give you headaches.

Not only does it give you headaches, some women also think that washing their hair during menstruation can cause hair loss. But again, that's just a myth, these two things are completely untrue because they are not scientifically proven.

A doctor and influencer in the beauty sector, Saddam Ismail, corrects this myth circulating in society. Through uploads on his personal YouTube channel, he explains this myth and divides it into several facts.

Women who are menstruating are prohibited from washing their hair from various sources

photo: YouTube/Saddam Ismail

Doctor Saddam explained that washing your hair during menstruation is actually permitted because washing your hair has nothing to do with your body's condition during menstruation. According to Saddam's doctor, shampooing only has to do with the scalp. In fact, there are several impacts that can be felt if you don't wash your hair during menstruation, such as making your hair sticky, limp and itchy.

"Later, his scalp could even get scratched from scratching itching. Because he didn't wash his hair," said doctor Saddam, quoted by from YouTube @SaddamIsmail, Wednesday (12/6).

So, washing your hair does not have any impact on the body during menstruation. Several factors that influence menstruation are hormonal levels, heavy physical activity, age at puberty and menopause, as well as psychological conditions.

The second fact is that water temperature does not affect menstrual blood. A myth circulating in society says that washing your hair with cold water can make menstrual blood clot. On the other hand, washing your hair with warm water makes menstrual blood come out easily. This myth was refuted by Saddam's doctor, the fact is that water temperature does not affect menstrual blood.

"That also has nothing to do with using warm water and cold water. So it's very different because the head and reproductive organs are far away," he said.

Women who are menstruating are prohibited from washing their hair from various sources

photo: YouTube/Saddam Ismail

Based on Doctor Saddam's explanation, the menstrual cycle can occur because the uterus prepares for the process of fertilization and attachment of the fetus. If there is no fertilization, the uterus will decay and menstruation will occur. Reporting from My Cleve Land Clinic, Wednesday (12/6), a woman loses two to three tablespoons of blood during her menstrual period. Then, bleeding can occur more than seven days per menstruation.

During menstruation the hormones in the body cause the uterine lining to swell. Well, during this process small blood vessels bleed. To prevent the body from releasing too much blood, plasma and platelets work together to clot the blood. Apart from that, blood clots can come out when you sit and stand. In this condition the cervix dilates to expel blood clots during menstruation. This is what causes pain and cramps in the stomach.

The third fact is that shampooing does not affect the brain and cannot cause vaginal discharge. The reason is, the reproductive organs are separate from the brain, so headaches during menstruation are also a myth. This is because again there is no connection between washing your hair and the brain. In fact, headaches are related to stressful health and mental conditions, even hormonal ones.

Women who are menstruating are prohibited from washing their hair from various sources


"So the conclusion is that bathing, shampooing and bathing can be done during menstruation," he added.

Meanwhile, washing your hair during menstruation actually provides a number of benefits for the body. Starting from making your body more relaxed and fresh. Apart from that, it also protects the body from stress and makes the scalp clean .
