Omelettes are very versatile and suitable to be served with various menus. Its presence as a complement in dishes such as yellow rice and Padang cuisine, adds to the deliciousness. With its savory taste and soft texture, omelettes can enhance the quality of the main dish.
In addition to being delicious eaten with warm white rice, omelettes are also often served as a complement to yellow rice. Well, usually omelettes that accompany yellow rice have a thin shape and are sliced lengthwise. But actually, you can make it thicker and chewy in texture. That way, consuming yellow rice can be more satisfying and filling.
To produce a thick and chewy omelet, there is a special trick when cooking it. You can imitate the trick shared by the owner of the TikTok account @mache.cooksperiment. In his video upload, he provides a recipe and tutorial for making a thicker and chewy omelet with yellow rice.

 2024 TikTok/@mache.cooksperiment
As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @mache.cooksperiment on Wednesday (4/9), break 2 eggs into a bowl first. Once done, add seasonings in the form of salt and pepper so that the resulting omelet tastes even more delicious.

 2024 TikTok/@mache.cooksperiment
In order for the result to be thicker and chewy, the owner of this account deliberately added one food ingredient, namely wheat flour. The wheat flour is first dissolved in water. Stir until the two ingredients are perfectly mixed. "Then strain and stir the eggs evenly," said the owner of the video.
 2024 TikTok/@mache.cooksperiment
Next, apply cooking oil to the teflon, then pour the omelet. Shake the teflon so that the resulting omelet is wider and evenly cooked. Close the teflon and let the omelet cook perfectly.
 2024 TikTok/@mache.cooksperiment
Once cooked, remove and place the omelet on a plate. Then cut the omelet into desired sizes. Because of the addition of flour solution, the resulting omelet looks thicker and has a chewy texture.