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10 November 2024 09:30

Tricks for storing chilies so they last longer than 2 weeks without covering them with tissue

With a stock of chilies at home, you don't need to go to the market often and can use them whenever needed. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Tricks for storing chilies so they last longer than 2 weeks without covering them with tissue foto: TikTok/@claudiapao_

Brilio.net - Many people like spicy food, and not a few typical Indonesian dishes use spicy spices. This is in accordance with the tastes of most people who like spicy food. For fans of spicy food, this food can increase appetite.

To add a spicy taste, cayenne pepper is often used. This type of chili is easy to find in the market at an affordable price and can make dishes more delicious.

Because it is often used, many people buy chilies in large quantities. With a stock of chilies at home, there is no need to go to the market often and it can be used anytime when needed.

Unfortunately, chili is a kitchen spice that is easily spoiled. In a few days, chili that is stored improperly can become watery and soft. Even if stored in the refrigerator, decay can occur quickly.

To prevent this, many people store chilies in airtight containers lined with tissue. Tissue is considered important because it can absorb the remaining dew or water, so that the chilies do not rot easily.

However, there is another method that is also effective without using tissue. A TikTok user, @claudiapao_, shared a trick for storing chilies in the refrigerator for weeks. Even without tissue, this trick managed to keep the chilies as fresh as when they were first bought.

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @claudiapao_ on Sunday (10/11), the TikTok user apparently relies on one kitchen spice, namely garlic. This kitchen spice has antibacterial properties. When stored with chilies, garlic will prevent the chilies from rotting easily and the spiciness will be maintained.

photo: TikTok/@claudiapao_

To be more precise, first prepare fresh chilies that have just been bought at the market. If you want to store them for a long time, it is better not to wash the chilies so that they do not rot easily. Just pick the stem part

"Because if you wash it, the chilies will easily become watery. If you want to wash it, you have to wipe it (the chilies) until dry, okay," explained TikTok @claudiapao_.

photo: TikTok/@claudiapao_

After the stems are picked, put the chilies in an airtight container. Now, make sure the container is dry. If so, put in 2 cloves of peeled garlic. Then close the container tightly and store it in the refrigerator chiller.

photo: TikTok/@claudiapao_

In the video, he uses a comparison. So there are two containers of chili. One container is stored with onions and the other is not. After being stored for 2 weeks in the same place, the changes are very visible.

"The ones that weren't given garlic, the chilies looked watery, slimy and rotten. The ones that were given garlic, the chilies were still fresh, plump and fresh. The chilies at the bottom weren't rotten at all. And these can still last for weeks to come," he explained.

photo: TikTok/@claudiapao_

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