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22 Oktober 2024 02:00

Tricks for cooking urap seasoning so it doesn't clump and lasts up to 1 month

Urap seasoning often goes stale quickly for several reasons. For example, grated coconut that is too wet or the cooking process is too short. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - Urap is a typical Indonesian dish similar to salad, especially from Java. This dish consists of vegetables that are complemented with urap seasoning. This seasoning is made from grated coconut mixed with delicious spices such as onions, chilies, kencur, tamarind, sugar, and others.

Unfortunately, urap seasoning often goes stale quickly for several reasons. For example, the grated coconut is too wet or the cooking process is too short. However, there are tricks for cooking urap seasoning that can make it last longer.

According to information from YouTube Dewitrias quoted by BrilioFood , Monday (10/21), there is a way to make urap seasoning so that it doesn't go stale quickly. This trick is very effective in maintaining the durability of urap dishes.

Dewitrias explained, when grinding all the spices, it is better to use only a little water. That way, the cooking process will not take too much time because the urap must be cooked until the water content is reduced. After the spices are finished being ground, they are immediately mixed with grated coconut on the pan.

photo: YouTube/Dewitrias

The first process of cooking urap seasoning must use medium heat first. Cook while continuing to stir so that the seasoning is evenly distributed and there are no lumps. If it is evenly distributed, in this process you can correct the taste, and add other spices if it is not sweet or savory enough. Continue stirring until evenly distributed, this first cooking process takes about 15 minutes.

photo: YouTube/Dewitrias

After that, reduce the heat and roast the urap spices again for 15 minutes. However, this time, you have to pay attention to how to stir it to help reduce the water content in it. The method is to press the urap while rotating the spatula. The pan can also be moved so that the heat is evenly distributed and the urap does not stick to the center of the pan.

photo: YouTube/Dewitrias

If you feel the water content has disappeared, you can turn off the stove. Don't lift it right away. It's best to spread the urap seasoning on the pan first. Its function is so that no steam is trapped inside. Later, when it starts to cool, the urap seasoning can be served or stored in a closed container.

The shelf life of this urap seasoning can be up to four days at room temperature. Unlike in the refrigerator, urap can last for one month without changing the taste and aroma. So, this urap seasoning cooking trick is really useful to practice, right? That way, you can store a large stock of urap seasoning at home without fear of it going stale.

The upload about Dewitrias' urap seasoning also received a lot of enthusiasm from netizens. Many of them wrote various comments in the comments column.

"To prevent it from burning easily, just use a teflon pan, Mom/a teflon pan. I've tried your recipe and it tastes really good. Thanks for the recipe, Mom," said YouTube/syamsiah Aja.

"Of the three recipes I watched before, this one is probably the tastiest because it contains tamarind and lime leaves. Thank you, sis," said YouTube/Sophie _.

"Wow... thank you, this is very useful. I want to try making it and then pack it in plastic and leave it at the stall in the morning...
"Are there any tips and tricks for boiled vegetables so they don't go stale quickly, Mom?" asked YouTube/Eni's Kitchen.

"When the coconut is in the pan, is the stove already on, Mom? Or is the coconut roasted first, then the spices are added, then roasted together with the spices? Or is the coconut and spices mixed, then the stove is turned on to roast them together?" wrote YouTube/Puji Wahyu Nugrahani.

"The explanation is very clear, ma'am... it seems like it can really last a long time, huh...," added YouTube/Snpt Wrng.

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