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10 April 2024 22:00

These 11 vegetables are effective in lowering high cholesterol, banishing bad fats safely

Examples of diseases caused by high cholesterol include coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or hypertension, and stroke. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - Everyone definitely wants a healthy body. Because health is expensive. A healthy body certainly requires proper care. One of them is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balancing it by consuming nutritious food. Including avoiding foods high in cholesterol.

This is quite important because there are quite a lot of health problems caused by high cholesterol . Examples of diseases caused by high cholesterol include coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or hypertension, stroke and other dangerous diseases.

When your body starts to suffer from cholesterol, you can lower it naturally . There are various kinds of foods that are useful in lowering high cholesterol, one of which is vegetables. Of course this method is safer and more natural, right?

What vegetables can help lower high cholesterol? Quoted by BrilioFood from various sources on Wednesday (10/4), these 11 vegetables are effective in lowering high cholesterol, banishing bad fats safely.

1. Broccoli.

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According to healthshots.com, this green vegetable has a high dietary fiber content. Therefore, broccoli can help overcome cholesterol in the body. Apart from that, this vegetable is also high in vitamin C and calcium, which is also useful for maintaining body health.

Intern/Himmatul Ahsana

2. Spinach.

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Reporting from stonybrookmedicine.edu, spinach can clean the arteries of LDL cholesterol. This green vegetable can also prevent heart attacks.

However, it is best not to reheat or re-cook or put the spinach in the refrigerator, because this vegetable will tend to wilt and its nutrients can be lost.

3. Potatoes.

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This food, which is often used as a substitute for rice, contains fiber which is good for lowering cholesterol. According to healthline.com, the soluble and insoluble fiber in potatoes helps reduce cholesterol levels.

However, pay attention to how it is served and cooked, OK? It is best to avoid processing potatoes by frying them. Especially if you use a lot of oil, it risks increasing cholesterol levels.

4. Carrots.

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There are many natural ingredients in carrots. According to timesofindia.indiatimes.com, apart from being good for eye health, carrots are also high in minerals, soluble fiber and vitamins which can lower cholesterol.

Apart from that, the vitamin A, beta carotene and antioxidants contained in this orange vegetable can protect against chronic heart disease.

5. Long beans.

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Having high fiber, as reported by vegaproduce.com, long beans can also lower cholesterol while reducing the risk of heart disease. Interestingly, long beans are also high in fiber, you know. By consuming long beans regularly, you can avoid cholesterol and also be free from digestive problems such as constipation.

6. Purple cabbage.

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Including plants from the brassica genus, according to healhtline.com, purple cabbage can reduce bad cholesterol levels, inflammation, maintain heart health, and protect the body from cancer. Having high antioxidants, this vegetable is also beneficial for making bones stronger.

Vegetables that can be cooked using various methods also contain soluble fiber, which can bind bile acids in the intestines.

7. Lettuce.

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Often found in salads, lettuce actually has good benefits for the body. Reporting from the researchgate.net journal, lettuce has antioxidants, vitamins E, C and carotenoids. Can increase excretion of total cholesterol, good for regular consumption.

However, it is best not to consume lettuce along with junk food menus so that the nutrition is not damaged.

8. Jicama.

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This white vegetable is known to be good for beauty, especially for brightening the skin. But who would have thought, consuming jicama directly also has other health benefits, you know.

Jicama contains vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta carotene, high antioxidants, and soluble fiber which can reduce cholesterol levels.

The high antioxidant content in jicama is useful for fighting various diseases, as reported by healhtline.com, namely cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

9. Brussels sprouts.

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Usually taken from the buds, as reported by eatingwell.com, Brussels sprouts contain soluble fiber which can reduce total cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol for the body.

This vegetable has a high antioxidant content which can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Apart from that, it turns out that this vegetable can also reduce oxidative stress in the body.

10. Kale.

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Reporting from healthline.com, this vegetable with dark green leaves contains carotenoids which act as antioxidants. This content is able to get rid of dangerous free radicals which can cause arteries to harden and lower cholesterol levels. So it can reduce heart risk.

11. Radish.

photo: pixabay.com

This vegetable, which is similar to carrots, can also lower cholesterol, you know. The high fiber in radishes can reduce bad cholesterol which causes various diseases.

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