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19 Agustus 2024 13:00

The trick to making crispy and non-oily peanut crackers is to just add 1 ingredient.

Many people still have difficulty making ideal rempeyek. Nadhifah
YouTube/Marlien Nicole

Brilio.net - Among the various types of fried foods, rempeyek occupies a special position as one of the most popular. Not infrequently, people deliberately stock rempeyek at home as a favorite snack. The uniqueness of its savory taste and crunchy texture always succeeds in making anyone addicted.

However, many people still have difficulty making ideal rempeyek. Instead of getting crispy rempeyek, often the opposite happens, it is soft or even too hard after being fried. This failure makes the rempeyek not according to expectations, so the end result is far from the desired texture.

However, luckily there is a YouTuber with the channel Marlien Nicole sharing a trick for making rempeyek dough so that the results are crispy. Not only that, this dough also makes the rempeyek not oily after being fried, you know. In this way, the crispiness of the rempeyek can last longer, so the results remain delicious and crispy even if stored for some time.

photo: YouTube/Marlien Nicole

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Marlien Nicole on Sunday (18/8), put 500 grams of rice flour into a bowl. To make the peyek even crispier, add 1 food ingredient, namely 7 tablespoons of tapioca flour. Once done, stir until the two ingredients are perfectly mixed.

photo: YouTube/Marlien Nicole

After that, add instant coconut milk, coriander powder, garlic and candlenut that has been mashed. Don't forget to also add seasoning in the form of 1/2 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp flavoring, 1/2 tbsp micin, and sliced 15 pieces of lime leaves.

photo: YouTube/Marlien Nicole

Finally, put 250 grams of peanuts and 3 cups of water into a bowl. Stir until all ingredients are perfectly mixed. The peanut peyek dough is ready to be fried.

photo: YouTube/Marlien Nicole

The method is to stick the peyek dough to the sides of the pan. When it is dry, the peyek will come off by itself and be completely submerged in the cooking oil.

photo: YouTube/Marlien Nicole

Flip the peyek when the bottom side is browned. When both sides are cooked, remove and drain the peyek. Wait until the oil content is reduced, the peyek is ready to be put into a jar and used as stock.

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