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24 Oktober 2024 06:00

Simple trick to make lemper filled with chicken so it lasts up to 3 days, easy to do

An easy way to keep chicken filled lemper fresh and prevent it from going stale quickly. Brilio.net
Simple trick to make lemper filled with chicken so it lasts up to 3 days, easy to do foto: YouTube/Dapur Ibu Waliyah

Brilio.net - Lemper is one of the market snacks that is still popular today. You must be familiar with this sticky rice-based food, right? Although there are many variations of lemper fillings, such as shredded meat, beef, shrimp, and coconut serundeng, lemper with chicken filling remains a favorite of many people.

In addition to its delicious taste, chicken lemper also has an affordable price. You can not only buy it in the market, but you can also make it yourself at home. However, sometimes homemade lemper goes stale quickly because it is not processed properly.

An internet user named Waliyah once shared a way to keep lemper from going stale quickly. According to her, with this trick, lemper can last up to three days. This is very useful, especially for those of you who want to make it a business opportunity.

"Basically, every process is important so that the lemper can last up to three days," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Dapur Ibu Waliyah on Wednesday (23/10).

First of all, the chicken that will be used as the filling for the lemper can be steamed first. According to him, chicken can actually be boiled. However, instead of boiling it, he prefers to steam it because the water content in the chicken is less and does not make the lemper go stale quickly. After that, the chicken can be shredded.

photo: YouTube/Ibu Waliyah's Kitchen

Then prepare the fine spices for the shredded chicken mixture. These fine spices apparently have to be sauted until completely cooked to prevent the lemper from going stale quickly. After the fine spices are cooked, add the other ingredients. Starting from powdered spices, coconut milk, and chicken. This stir-fried lemper filling must be cooked until dry so that it lasts a long time. In addition, this stir-fry also does not need to be given additional spring onions or celery.

"So that the lemper can last longer, I do not recommend adding leaves here, meaning like spring onions and celery leaves, that will make the lemper go stale easily. If the lemper is only for 1 day, you can add spring onions or celery, but to make it last for 3 days, that is not recommended," explained Waliyah.

photo: YouTube/Ibu Waliyah's Kitchen

Waliyah also explained that all containers used to store ingredients must be clean and dry. For example, a plate to place shredded chicken that has been stir-fried with spices. Because, if the condition of the container is wet or dirty, it can also trigger lemper to go stale easily later.

photo: YouTube/Ibu Waliyah's Kitchen

While waiting for the shredded chicken to cool down, continue making the sticky rice. The sticky rice must be steamed for 20 minutes first. Then, prepare boiled coconut milk mixed with bay leaves and lemongrass. After the sticky rice and coconut milk are cooked, both must be mixed while the temperature is still really hot.

Because, if both ingredients are cold, the coconut milk will have difficulty absorbing perfectly into the sticky rice. After mixing, it can be steamed again for an hour. After the sticky rice is done, it can be cooled, filled with shredded chicken, and wrapped in banana leaves.

"That's why sometimes people make lemper that is hard or looks like it's not cooked, even though it's been steamed for a long time, because the coconut milk doesn't absorb," said Waliyah.

photo: YouTube/Ibu Waliyah's Kitchen

So, now you know the secret of delicious lemper that lasts up to three days, right? Peeking at the comments column of Dapur Ibu Waliyah's YouTube upload, a number of netizens gave enthusiastic responses about this lemper. This upload has also been watched more than 800 thousand times.

"The lemper can last up to 3 days, which means it has to be cooked properly, Mom. Thank you," said YouTube Amin Clark patricks.

"Alhamdulillah, I found a really great lemper recipe. It's true what mom said, if we want our food to last long, we have to maintain cleanliness and cook it thoroughly. Thank you for the knowledge, Mom," explained YouTuber Fitrotul Khasanah.

"Assalamu'alaikum, Mom, I want to ask how much is 500 grams of lemper made into and if I want to make 100 grams of sticky rice, how much should I use and how long should I soak it? Please enlighten me, thank you," asked YouTube Cahaya Fitri.

"Makes you hungry, sis," said YouTube ESMEDIA PDG.

"It's delicious, tasty and delicious, I think," praised YouTuber Dini Fatimah.

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