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21 September 2024 14:30

Save a lot of oil, here's how to make crispy fried onions for up to 2 weeks even without flour

It tastes savory and remains delicious even if stored for a long time. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Save a lot of oil, here's how to make crispy fried onions for up to 2 weeks even without flour YouTube/Eddy Siswanto

Brilio.net - Fried shallots are a popular accompaniment to various Indonesian dishes, such as soto, rawon, fried rice, and soup. Its crunchy texture and mouth-watering aroma can enhance the taste of food. In fact, many people enjoy it as a snack on its own. Due to its popularity, fried shallots are easy to find in markets or grocery stores, and many people prefer to buy packaged fried shallots rather than making their own.

Although it looks simple, making perfect fried onions is not easy. Many people have difficulties, such as onions that burn or wilt quickly. To overcome this problem, several tricks are often used. One of them is adding flour to coat the sliced onions, which is believed to produce a crispy texture. There are also those who fry onions in a lot of oil to get crispier results.

However, there are alternatives to using flour or excess oil. Eddy Siswanto, a food content creator, shares his trick for making crispy and long-lasting fried onions without using a lot of flour or oil.

This method can be a solution for those of you who want to make high-quality fried onions at home without having to rely on instant products. With this trick, you can enjoy homemade fried onions that are no less than packaged products.

As reported by BrilioFood on Friday (20/9), Eddy Siswanto admitted that he only added salt. However, before adding salt, prepare the peeled onions first. In the video, he used 250 grams of small local shallots.

"Make sure the fried onions are this type, okay? Don't use onions or Indian onions (imported onions) that are too big. That won't work, they don't want to be crispy. For Brebes (local) onions, making fried onions is really good," said YouTube Eddy Siswanto.

photo: YouTube/Eddy Siswanto

Well, after peeling, wash the shallots thoroughly. Then drain until dry. Next, thinly slice them lengthwise. This will produce a beautiful and neat fried onion shape.

Once done, transfer the sliced onions into a bowl. Then sprinkle 1/2 tbsp of salt. Then stir until the salt is evenly distributed throughout the onion. In addition to making it crispy, this salt also adds to the taste of the onion so that it becomes even more savory and salty.

photo: YouTube/Eddy Siswanto

The salted shallots are ready to be fried. Prepare a frying pan first, then heat it and add enough oil. When frying shallots, most people usually use a lot of oil. However, Eddy Siswanto only uses enough oil to partially submerge the shallots.

Once the oil is hot, add the sliced onions. In the video, the onions are only partially submerged in the oil. After that, stir the onions and fry them over medium heat. Make sure not to leave the onions alone, you have to keep stirring them so that they can crisp up and not burn.

photo: YouTube/Eddy Siswanto

So, even though it doesn't use much oil, this stirring process will make the fried onions evenly exposed to hot oil. If done for a long time, the onions will be crispy and evenly cooked. Well, do this process until the onions turn brown.

When most of the onions have started to turn brown, lower the heat and stir continuously. This is useful for cooking the remaining onions that are not yet fully cooked. Once evenly cooked, turn off the heat. Immediately remove and drain the fried onions so they don't burn.

photo: YouTube/Eddy Siswanto

After the fried onions have cooled, store them in a jar immediately. According to Eddy Siswanto, storing fried onions in a tight jar can make them last up to 2 weeks. Or if you want them to be crispy for longer, you can put the jar in the refrigerator. These fried onions can be stocked at home.

This upload by YouTube user Eddy Siswanto has been watched more than 879 thousand times. Many other YouTube users claim to be interested and want to try it. On the other hand, there are also netizens who claim to have succeeded in making crispy fried onions from the recipe and tricks in the video.

"The fried shallots are awesome, they're delicious to sprinkle on various dishes, especially for uduk rice, thank you, Eddy, for giving tips on how to fry shallots," said YouTube @kiatnio778.

"This is perfect, I'm starting a fried onion business and want to try Edy's recipe. Thank you, stay healthy," said YouTube @wildapranita672.

"The first time I made fried onions using this method...it came together straight away and was great...it's better to make it yourself than buy it...thanks Chef for the info," said YouTube @nanitriyani2229.

"Thanks, sis, for the tip on how to make fried onions that don't become limp," said YouTube @Suyati-xv1gd.

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