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1 Oktober 2024 06:00

No need to use a special spinner machine, this is a creative way to drain oil from fried foods quickly

Minimize the oil consumed from fried foods. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
YouTube/hendy mushroom jamur

Brilio.net - Fried foods are known as foods that are rich in oil. The process of making them requires a lot of oil, and this situation is made worse by the layer of flour used as a coating, which tends to absorb oil during the frying process .

Some types of fried foods can even be squeezed to release excess oil. Nevertheless, the frying method remains popular because of its practicality and speed. In addition, the frying process also provides a crispy and crunchy texture to the food that many people like.

Although difficult, there are actually ways to reduce excess oil in fried foods. One effective and easy method is to drain the fried food after cooking. Some people use special tools such as spinners to remove excess oil from fried foods more efficiently than manual strainers.

However, oil spinner machines are generally quite expensive equipment. This tool is more often used by large-scale fried food producers to drain oil from products to be sold. For household use that only occasionally makes fried food, the investment to buy this tool may be less practical and economical.

But don't worry, because a YouTube user hendy mushroom jamur once shared another way to drain fried food. This crispy mushroom seller also has a creative idea so that the remaining oil in his fried food can be removed as much as possible. The tools used are also very simple.

photo: YouTube/hendy mushroom mushroom

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube hendy mushroom jamur on Monday (30/9), the tools used are only plastic, a clean perforated plastic basket, and raffia rope. The method is to tie the raffia rope to the end of the plastic basket. Then put the basket in the plastic. It is better to use clear plastic which is safer for food.

photo: YouTube/hendy mushroom mushroom

If so, put the crispy mushrooms to be drained into the basket. Because they are freshly fried, these crispy mushrooms contain a lot of oil. If drained with a regular strainer, it will certainly take a very long time.

Next, close and tie the plastic with raffia rope. Then put the basket into the washing machine spinner. The YouTube user uses a two-tub washing machine that has a separate spinner to dry clothes. Well, this spinner will help drain the oil faster.

photo: YouTube/hendy mushroom mushroom

After inserting, close tightly and turn on the spinner for only 1 minute. This machine will spin quickly and make the oil on the crispy mushrooms be thrown out of the basket hole. Well, the remaining oil will collect at the bottom of the plastic.

photo: YouTube/hendy mushroom mushroom

When the machine is off, lift the basket. And sure enough, the remaining cooking oil is collected on the outside of the plastic. Next, remove the crispy mushrooms to eat. Because they are free of oil, the mushrooms are crispier and don't get soft easily.

photo: YouTube/hendy mushroom mushroom

This upload about how to drain excess oil immediately caught the attention of YouTube netizens. Among the more than 57 thousand viewers, there were many other YouTube users who were interested and gave direct responses in the comments column. Most of them admitted that the method was very creative and easy to imitate.

"This is what we call smart work," said YouTube inr 07.

"I was thinking about using a washing machine too. Oh Allah, thank you very much bro, it's very useful, you don't have to buy another spinner like this," said YouTube Devi Shintia.

"It's crazy, I never thought of it, thank you, bro, for the perfect solution when I'm confused about buying a spinner but it's expensive and I don't have the money," said YouTube Mas Darto Classic.

"Oh my gosh, thanks for the tutorial, ready to try it. Cool," said YouTube Esti Purwaningsih.

"I just wanted to try the Crispy mushroom business but was confused about how to dry it from the oil, but it turns out there is an easy way, and it's also economical," said YouTuber Yeni Helidah.

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