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14 April 2024 18:30

No need to dry it in the sun, this is an easy trick for frying shrimp crackers so that they bloom and don't burn

Some of the crackers were so burnt that they didn't bloom completely. If it's like this, shrimp crackers won't be good to eat. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
foto: YouTube/Budhe Ellys Wijayanti

Brilio.net - Crackers are a typical Indonesian food which are usually served as a complement to make the dish more delicious and appetizing. There are many types of crackers that are commonly consumed every day, but the ones that are quite popular are prawn crackers.

Shrimp crackers are known to have a savory taste and crunchy texture so they can increase your appetite. Shrimp crackers are also quite easy to get because they are widely sold on the market. When purchased, shrimp crackers are usually still raw. Only then are the shrimp crackers fried and eaten.

Shrimp crackers can be fried directly in hot oil. However, even though it looks easy, in fact there are a number of people who still fail to fry these crackers. Some of the crackers were so burnt that they didn't bloom completely. If it's like this, shrimp crackers won't be good to eat.

So, to get around this, many people dry the shrimp crackers first before frying them. It is believed that drying them in the sun will make the prawn crackers bloom perfectly when fried. But it turns out there are other, more practical tricks for frying shrimp crackers, you know.

This trick was shared by YouTube user Budhe Ellys Wijayanti. In one of his uploads, he shared how to fry shrimp crackers without needing to dry them in the sun first.

An easy trick for frying shrimp crackers so they bloom and don't burn.

photo: YouTube/Budhe Ellys Wijayanti

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Budhe Ellys Wijayanti, first prepare the shrimp crackers to be fried. Also prepare a magic com. Next, open magic com and take out the pan that is usually used to cook rice. After that, put the shrimp crackers into the magic com.

photo: YouTube/Budhe Ellys Wijayanti

If so, close the magic com and connect it to electricity. Make sure magic com is on in warm mode.

"We close it, then heat the magicom position. Don't press the cook button. Wait about 1 hour," he said.

photo: YouTube/Budhe Ellys Wijayanti

After warming for 1 hour, open the magic com, then remove all the shrimp crackers. Next, let the prawn crackers cool slightly. Once the warm temperature has completely disappeared, prepare a frying pan and heat quite a bit of oil.

photo: YouTube/Budhe Ellys Wijayanti

When the oil is hot, fry the prawn crackers straight away. Make sure the prawn crackers are fried one by one so that they bloom perfectly, OK? When they have fully bloomed and are brown in color, immediately remove and drain the shrimp crackers.

"Don't make the fire too big, tend to be small," he added.

The shrimp crackers produced really bloom and don't burn, you know. Fried shrimp crackers can also be eaten directly with various dishes, such as vegetable ketupat or chicken opor.

This trick for frying shrimp crackers is quite easy, isn't it? Are you interested in trying it?

How to store shrimp crackers so they don't get soggy.

Here are several ways to store shrimp crackers so they don't go soggy:

1. Store in an airtight container.

When buying shrimp crackers, make sure to store them in an airtight container. This helps keep the crackers crunchy and prevents damage from humidity.

2. Avoid direct air exposure:.

If you have opened the package of crackers, make sure to store them in a place away from direct air exposure. You can use an airtight container or repack the crackers in a tight plastic bag.

3. Keep away from moisture.

Shrimp crackers are susceptible to moisture, which can make them soggy. Store crackers in a dry and cool place, away from the kitchen or damp areas.

4. Use silica gel.

You can add several silica gel packets to the cracker storage container. Silica gel will help absorb moisture from the air and keep the crackers crunchy.

5. Do not store in the open.

Avoid storing shrimp crackers on an open table or countertop, especially if the room has high humidity levels. It is better to store it in a closed cupboard or storage shelf.

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