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9 Juli 2024 02:29

How to make Malang's special mendol tempeh, delicious and suitable as a daily side dish

Tempeh mendol is one of Malang's typical dishes that are simple but not boring. Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@dyah_luvkitchen

Brilio.net - Tempeh mendol is one of Malang's typical dishes that are simple but not boring. This dark brown dish is not only suitable for eating as a snack, you know. Tempeh mendol is also suitable as a side dish with rice. Here is the special Malang tempeh mendol recipe that BrilioFood has released from Instagram @dyah_luvkitchen.

photo: Instagram/@dyah_luvkitchen

- 1 tempeh board
- 5 shallots
- 2 garlic cloves
- 8 red cayenne pepper
- 2 orange leaves
- 1 tablespoon of rice flour
- Salt
- Sugar
- 1 finger joint

How to make:
1. Steam tempeh for 15 minutes, mash coarsely.
2. Remove the bones of the orange leaves, thin slices.
3. Fry shallots, white onions, and cassava.
4. Blend and mix kencur, onion, chili, salt, and sugar.
5. Add mashed tempeh and orange leaves, mix well.
6. Add rice flour, stir well. Small oval shape.
7. Fry until crisp.

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