- Sometimes some people deliberately cook vegetables in large quantities, so that they can be used as stock for the next meal. Especially for busy people, keeping a stock of these dishes is considered practical and can save time and expenses. Just store the food in the refrigerator, then heat it if you want to eat it.
But people like to forget, until the vegetables haven't had time to store them in the refrigerator. As a result, food that should be in stock is almost stale. If it's like this, it'll make you annoyed, right? Vegetable dishes that are almost stale are characterized by an unpleasant odor and a taste that tends to be sour.
If your food shows signs of going stale, don't rush to throw it away. There are ways to save almost stale food so that it is safe to consume. Like what Facebook user Dapoernya Linda shared.
In the video he uploaded, he only used one kitchen ingredient, namely garlic , to save the cassava leaf dish.
"Mothers often come across dishes that are almost stale. Don't throw them away yet, we will save them this way," said the owner of the video, quoted by BrilioFood from Facebook @Dapoernya Linda, Thursday (20/6).
How to save almost stale food so that it is safe to consume
2024 Facebook/@Dapoernya Linda
The method is quite easy, take one piece of garlic that has been peeled and washed. Then add it to the heated vegetables.
Garlic is believed to have antimicrobial properties. This compound has the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses, so it can be used as a preservative.
How to save almost stale food so that it is safe to consume
2024 Facebook/@Dapoernya Linda
Cook and let sit for 10 minutes. Just stir for a moment. After that, turn off the stove when the food is boiling. As a result, the foam in the cooking will disappear and the vegetables can be saved from spoiling.
How to save almost stale food so that it is safe to consume
2024 Facebook/@Dapoernya Linda
Adapting from, even though the texture and taste of stale food is slightly different, as long as there are no problems after eating it, then the food is fine to consume. However, if the food shows other signs of spoilage, such as mold, this means you should throw it away immediately.
Apart from using onions, there is another process for restoring stale food, namely heating it. Quoted from, stale food can be restored by heating it at 140 degrees for 30 seconds or several minutes.
How to save almost stale food so that it is safe to consume
2024 Facebook/@Dapoernya Linda
@Dapoernya Linda's video about how to save almost stale food has been liked by more than 580 people. Not a few netizens felt helped by these tips.
"I see, Maklind, I'll try it later," wrote the account @Anismulya75.
"Very useful... thanks for the tips, bro," commented the account @Dewie Alexandria.
"Wow, you can try this for those who forget," concluded the account @Zulfa Kebun.