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30 November 2024 13:30

Delicious but still healthy food, here are some surefire tricks to reduce the use of oil for cooking

Apparently, even though oil is said to be healthy, its calories are still quite high. Brilio.net
Delicious but still healthy food, here are some surefire tricks to reduce the use of oil for cooking Unsplash/limitlessperformance.id

Brilio.net - Maintaining a healthy diet is a habit that is beneficial for everyone, not limited to those who are on a weight loss diet program. Based on information from cdc.gov, a healthy diet provides various benefits for the body. These benefits include prolonging life, strengthening bones, heart health, and improving the immune system.

Each individual has different nutritional needs so a healthy diet needs to be adjusted to each person's body condition. According to nhs.uk sources, there are several ways to implement a healthy diet such as getting used to eating breakfast, consuming enough vegetables and fruits, and adjusting food portions according to calorie needs. Implementing a healthy diet can also be done by avoiding processed foods and reducing the use of oil in cooking .

Oil has long been known as a food ingredient that has the potential to harm health, especially oils that contain saturated fats. Various types of healthy oils are available on the market as an alternative to regular oil. However, it should be noted that healthy oils still contain high calories so their use should be limited when cooking.

A content creator named Vita who focuses on diet and workout content provides information about the calorie content of olive oil. One tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories even though it is considered a healthy oil. Vita then shares tips for cooking with minimal oil to support a healthy lifestyle while saving oil usage.

"Want to know how to reduce oil usage when cooking?" said Vita, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @vitagunardi on Friday (11/29).

To reduce oil usage easily when cooking, you can use oil packaged in a spray bottle. So, when applying it to the Teflon before cooking, the oil that comes out can be regulated to remain minimal. However, this type of oil does have a price that tends to be higher than oil packaged in regular bottles.

photo: TikTok/@vitagunardi

Vita has a trick to still be able to use oil from a spray bottle but in a more economical way. Namely, by buying your own spray bottle. According to her, the price of this bottle is very friendly, which is around Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 6,000 in online stores. The bottle should also be washed clean before being used to store oil.

"But my suggestion is that you can buy a spray bottle like this, it's cheap, you know. I bought it for around five or six thousand," he said.


Very practical, right? From now on, you don't need to worry about using oil when cooking. Looking at the comments column, many netizens are also educated with this one trick. This upload on TikTok/@vitagunardi has also been watched hundreds of thousands of times.

"Sameeeeeeeee wkwk," said TikTok/@Ross.

"Thanks for the info," said TikTok/@layli yana.

"Why does olive oil have so many calories, wow, I just found out, thanks for the info, Ci," said TikTok/@h.

"You fill the oil yourself into a spray bottle? Is that possible?" asked TikTok/@user2831521339960.

"Finally.. good content... keep up the good work, sis," praised TikTok/@Trianto Gunara.

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